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  1. Lazy

    School Crazes/in things

    What the fuck are you complaining about astro boy?? Sounds like heaven to me...:D
  2. Lazy

    Everyone vs Sourie/indian nerd/sourav/stop booting me/whatever his new name is

    You like lots of words dont you SJ, dickiness, lynching...any other pearls you'd like to share with us? :p
  3. Lazy

    Everyone vs Sourie/indian nerd/sourav/stop booting me/whatever his new name is

    Has anyone else noticed we have 3 'head tosser bashers'...i dont mean to be picky BUT I CALLED THAT POSITION FIRST SO BUGGER OFF!! :p :p
  4. Lazy

    What's going on?

    I think thats the first time ive ever seen an administrator swear...
  5. Lazy

    last week

    Ahh the think this is where it all began.... :apig: :chainsaw: :apig: :chainsaw: :apig: :chainsaw: :apig: :chainsaw: :apig: :chainsaw:
  6. Lazy

    Everyone vs Sourie/indian nerd/sourav/stop booting me/whatever his new name is

    Hey sourie, if you ever get round to reading this, heres a little reminder from your friend Lazy...
  7. Lazy

    do you want to laugh?

    Do people pay you to advertise their shit in your signiture arch-man? :p
  8. Lazy

    How many people left?

    St Stannislaus college
  9. Lazy

    How many people left?

    We arnt allowed to leave, we have to stay right till the end or our headmaster wont give us a recommendation, besides i was writing right till the end
  10. Lazy

    What did u think of the last 2 Option Questions?

    Nah i thought they were pretty good, a little broad thank christ, im just glad they didnt ask for specific shit in family. The shelter question was good too. Crime was as easy as always, thank christ for crime
  11. Lazy

    Too Short...too Easy!

    Come now dont be shy, let us all in on the sounds entertaining. You didnt lynch someone did you?;) ;) (You can tell me, i wont tell anyone :p )
  12. Lazy

    School Crazes/in things

    Yeah i think so. You get dealt out the entire deck and you have to get rid of your cards first. The first one with no cards wins. But you can only put down one sort of card at a time eg 1 ace. But if you have 2 aces then you can put them both down. You put your cards face down and tell the...
  13. Lazy

    School Crazes/in things

    Ahhh ok, so its like bullshit. I love that game :D
  14. Lazy

    Everyone vs Sourie/indian nerd/sourav/stop booting me/whatever his new name is

    Jeez this thread got big fast...people must really hate sourie But yeah im up for joining a lynch mob, lynching is fun, in fact there should be more lynching. POWER TO THE PEOPLE, MOB RULE FOREVER!!
  15. Lazy

    School Crazes/in things

    Ummm this might sound stupid....but whats Big 2? :confused:
  16. Lazy

    Big Fat Greek Wedding

    Nah your better off seeing Crackerjack or the Nugget, both of them are hilarious. Crackerjack especially, i was laughing the entire way through it... "Hellooo Mrs Jenkins...if i was 40 years older you'd be in a lot of trouble right now " LMFAO!!
  17. Lazy

    School Crazes/in things

    We had quite a few: One was huge fruit fights everyday at lunch, the canteen leaves out huge boxes of fruit for the borders, but we'd steal them and throw them at each other, it was good fun actually :p especially when you've got 50 odd blokes pegging 300 apples at each other. But alas that...
  18. Lazy

    Everyone vs Sourie/indian nerd/sourav/stop booting me/whatever his new name is

    Mandy you have to put your title into your signiture now, its the thing to do, and that way whenever you post Sourie will see what a tosser he is and may contemplate beating himslef to death :p
  19. Lazy

    Too Short...too Easy!

    Re: Re: I HAVE NEVA DONE BUSINESS STUDIES IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! Nusrat IS Sourie Mandy Its so easy to pick...give up you fuckin tosser, no one like you In fact this reminds me of John Safrans 'Not The Sunscreen Song' "During your life friends will come and go...this is because of...