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  1. Lazy

    School Crazes/in things

    Honey on the handrails ;)
  2. Lazy

    The Heroic Tale of Billy Fred

    LOL!! Nice work Mclake, that must have taken you a fair while :D I like the incoherent original better though :)
  3. Lazy


    Not particularly, i find its overrated actually
  4. Lazy


    Apparently YOU wear a belt SS?
  5. Lazy

    My appeciation

    Thankyou :) Love your work Laz, Tactic, Timbk, Fatmuscle, Morgues, Nelly, Alex and anyone else i missed. This forum helped take my mind of the HSC for a good 5-6 hours everynight :p and entertained me through those long lonley weekends. :)
  6. Lazy

    Was school a total waste of Time?

    It all goes down to experience dosent it. Its where we grow into acceptable members of society. Put it this way: what else would we have done these past 6 years?
  7. Lazy

    Yr12 Jerseys: Whats Urs Like??

    This 'HHHHHHOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT quote is getting mildly irritating
  8. Lazy

    anyone cheat on the HSC?

    *Gives weisy suspicious look*
  9. Lazy

    Your thoughts on the 2002 HSC

    Fair call BJ, but do you really think they will go back and re-mark those exams already processed...sounds like too much work to me :p
  10. Lazy

    BEST STRESS RELIEF (it works)

    Here here rosie!! *Lazy nods in agreement*
  11. Lazy

    Your thoughts on the 2002 HSC

    13 more and you'll be there....:D
  12. Lazy


    haha Thats shameless :gridnod: :gridnod:
  13. Lazy


    I wish you hadnt brought this thread to the surface again in your spam fest luigi, survivor is gay
  14. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    Maybe we should stop adding to it then...:p
  15. Lazy

    Big Fat Greek Wedding

    It is funny.. Nope im going to bowl the flipper...*Crack* Jesus christ you just lost us the game you idiot!! ROFL!!
  16. Lazy

    Your thoughts on the 2002 HSC

    I didnt take the time to read that post, too big with too many big words foe lil ol me. But it looks intelligent so ill agree :p
  17. Lazy

    favourite song at the moment.

    Hehehe at the moment im listening to 'Shreks karaoke dance party' I love it :p
  18. Lazy


    In uniform?
  19. Lazy

    Woohoo!!!i"m Finished!!!!i Finished Onfriday!!!yey!!!!

    You dirty bastard, i DO still have 2 to go....:p
  20. Lazy

    Office Assistant

    Minimum wage for a casual at coles for an 18 year old is about $11, im part-time and im on $9.70. But u should be on more than should join a union too