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  1. M

    Atar of 70+ possible?

    Hey, I’m really worried about my hsc marks atm. My current rank per subject are as follows: English Standard: 33/92 Maths General: 33/82 Engineering Studies: 24/24 Business Studies: 42/98 PDHPE: 38/64 SCHOOL RANKING: 62 For each subject overall I’m around 60-70%. If I get let’s say 85 in all...
  2. M

    Atar of 70+?

    Hey, I’m really worried about my hsc marks atm. My current rank per subject are as follows: English Standard: 33/92 Maths General: 33/82 Engineering Studies: 24/24 Business Studies: 42/98 PDHPE: 38/64 SCHOOL RANKING: 62 For each subject overall I’m around 60-70%. If I get let’s say 85 in all...
  3. M

    Atar of 70+ possible?

    Hey, I’m really worried about my hsc marks atm. My current rank per subject are as follows: English Standard: 33/92 Maths General: 33/82 Engineering Studies: 21/24 Business Studies: 42/98 PDHPE: 38/64 SCHOOL RANKING: 62 For each subject overall I’m around 60-70%. If I get let’s say 85 in all...
  4. M

    Atar of 70+ possible

    Hey, I’m really worried about my hsc marks atm. My current rank per subject are as follows: English Standard: 33/92 Maths General: 33/82 Engineering Studies: 21/24 Business Studies: 42/98 PDHPE: 38/64 SCHOOL RANKING: 62 For each subject overall I’m around 60-70%. If I get let’s say 85 in all...
  5. M


    Someone with actual knowledge please answer. How is the internal assessment mark calculated. Someone people are telling me it’s based of your performance in school assessments and some are telling me it’s calculated on you internal rank in which whoever gets 32nd for example in hsc you get as...
  6. M

    Someone please explain

    Hello, Can someone please explain how the atar gets calculated. If I get ranked 32 for example for a course in my school and smash the hsc let’s say get 90+. How would my marks get calculated and moderated. My school rank is 62. Please help. I don’t understand how they calculate internal...
  7. M


    Hey, I was just wondering does you internal assessment mark really matter? Do they base your mark off you rank in that subject. Let’s say I’m 24th in the subject with an internal assessment mark of 70. Does my internal mark matter or does me rank matter? And how does hsc marks work, if I get...
  8. M

    Hsc Question

    Hey, I was just wondering does you internal assessment mark really matter? Do they base your mark off you rank in that subject. Let’s say I’m 24th in the subject with an internal assessment mark of 70. Does my internal mark matter or does me rank matter? And how does hsc marks work, if I get...
  9. M

    Atar cut off

    If I was to get a 75(including adjustment factors) and the course selection cut off is 80, is it possible for me to get a second round offer or an offer at all? I’m looking at uts and Macquarie
  10. M

    Should you change your preferences if you don’t get first round

    Hey, I just wanted to know should you change your preferences if you don’t get a first round offer, or keep your preferences and try get a second or third offer? I just did the Macquarie leader and achievers and didn’t get a first round offer and am unsure if I should change it. Thanks
  11. M

    Macquarie University leaders and achievers

    I just had a quick question. I applied for Macquarie Universities leaders and achievers program and wanted to know how many people got accepted and how you did in school( not trying to sound rude), just wanted to compare if I have a chance or not. Thanks
  12. M

    Macquarie University leaders and achievers

    I just had a quick question. I applied for Macquarie Universities leaders and achievers program and wanted to know how many people got accepted and how you did in school( not trying to sound rude), just wanted to compare if I have a chance or not. Thanks
  13. M

    Selection rank and atar cut off

    I just had a quick question. If you fall short of the lowest selection rank for a course, let’s say by 1 or 2 will you still be accepted into the course or be considered I’m looking at UTS and Macquarie University at the moment. Thanks
  14. M

    Selection rank and atar cut off

    I just had a quick question. If you fall short of the lowest selection rank for a course, let’s say by 1 or 2 will you still be accepted into the course or be considered I’m looking at UTS and Macquarie University at the moment. Thanks
  15. M

    Is it possible for me to get an 80+ atar please reply

    School Rank- 62 I still have my trials to go but I wanted to know what subjects i need to improve and if I maintain these ranks or move up if I’m able to get an 80+. Thank you Business- 56/102 English standard- 26/87 General Math- 24/65 Engineering- 21/24 PDHPE- 45/64
  16. M

    Is it possible for me to get an Atar of 80+ please reply

    School Rank- 62 I still have my trials to go but I wanted to know what subjects i need to improve and if I maintain these ranks or move up if I’m able to get an 80+. Thank you Business- 56/102 English standard- 26/87 General Math- 24/65 Engineering- 21/24 PDHPE- 45/64