Search results

  1. B


    Go and hand in an application in person. You'll get better results.
  2. B

    Is there anyone currently doing the GLP?

    Leaving the Uni (maybe), such a waste of time going to all those seminars. :(
  3. B

    laptop question

    Most laptops come with network cards installed, if not then you can buy an optional "adapter" kind of thing and plug & play. How much are you willing to pay?
  4. B

    to sell or not to sell

    Not much I dont think. Just browsed ebay, I would say ~$40 depending on the brand and all.
  5. B

    Surface (ch 10)

    What game was it for? Plus I never said it was for ths show, just that they had a similar scene on Surface :|
  6. B


    Its a repeat. These episodes explain how she was involved with the terrorist. From memory there episodes are the end of the second season.
  7. B

    Family Guy Back on Channel 7

    Interesting time slot and day. I wanted it to be back in the channel 7 11-12am (aka comedy) slot :D
  8. B

    Speaking In Tongues

    John Safran won best comedy AFI award for the Vs God series. Gotta love the show. And sidekick Bob :P
  9. B

    The Biggest Loser

    I missed the final, someone tell me what happened. Seth will win for sure. However I want the other guy to win. And I want to see the season 1 contestants.
  10. B

    Surface (ch 10)

    Yeah, quite a bit of hanging. It will either fail to deliver or succeed very well depending on when, how the monsters is revealed and what the monster is. There was a video clip going around on the internet awhile ago about some collosal skeleton that was found on the beach and they didnt...
  11. B

    Website Problem

    Yeah that happens. Norton Internet Security does that right? It also prevent you from posting messages on some forums too. I usually just disable it whenever I have to, not sure if theres a way around it.
  12. B


    Macquarie has a solid Psychology department and being a science student myself, having done psychology and known people who do ecology: Psychology = good Biology Department = mediocre, there is a one week ecology field trip which most people enjoyed and lots of partying (and also lectuers...
  13. B

    worst band name

    I LIKE Stillwater =D
  14. B


    And transfer credit points vary between Universities. Macquarie allows only 1/2 of credits (total of course) to be from a second institution. UTS allows 3/4.
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    You have to read up the unit descriptions, however its best to ask a course conveyor as they know which course you have done will count or not.
  16. B

    So........whose finished?

  17. B

    Laser Hair Removal

    I thought laser hair removement was permanent :| $70 is quite expensive for a brazillian. (But what would a guy know).
  18. B

    PMi and Kingmax??

    HOw much do you want to spend and how much RAM are you looking to purchase?
  19. B

    Degree Majors

    If you like Chemistry stuff then Macquarie is good, however the biology department is ver unorganised and lack experience tutors/lecturers. What are your assessments like? Many oral assessments?
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    Pharmacy is the lowest paying science graduate salary because: 1. The first 1 and half years you are still in training to actually become a pharmacists. 2. Pharmacists only make decent money when they OWN a pharmacy. Generally the pay is good, and the work is very hard (you will be doing...