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  1. zannaz

    Open Day for uni

    i only went to two, Sydney and UTS and i can say that the sydney one was alot better!!! Info was more exetnsive, friendlier ppl and the whole vibe of the uni was really me uts seemed a little darka and dreary but the information on courses was throrough!!!
  2. zannaz

    UNI advising days.

    Yeah Waikiki is one of my fave aussie bands and i couldn't believe my luck when on the bus from central the sydney uni student said that they were playing. . .woohoo!! I got so much info, and sydney uni is even better in person!!!
  3. zannaz

    Communications @ UTS

    I wanted to study communications especially public communication all year but after a while i changed my mind to study commerce/arts at USYD. But UTS is a good choice for communications, well respected in the industry!!!
  4. zannaz

    Anyone goping Big Day Out

    also the heat factor is one to keep in mind...BDO out in middle of summer makes the mosh very hot and humid. . . .don't *gope* there if you think you won't handle it especially whilst qotsa are on the rock pretty intensely!!!
  5. zannaz

    TWO important questions!!!

    I would appreciate if anyone could reply to my questions, one's that have worried me!!! 1. Is it safe to have preferences in a range of 81.45 (B Business (HRM and Industrial Relations) @ UWS) to 93.05 ( B Arts/B Commerce @ USYD), with a UAI of 95.45?, i really want to get into uni and would...
  6. zannaz

    BUSINESS related courses

    B Business at UTS OR B Commerce / B Arts at USYD
  7. zannaz

    plz advice !!

    if you like studying 7-8 hours a day then it's up to you, but if you feel like u are wasting ur time then drop ur books and get out. . . it's holidays. . .i would recommend an hour a two during holidays and then around 1-6 hours when school resumes...
  8. zannaz


    A PIP is a Personal Interest Project done for Society and Culture! It's a Major work and worth 30 marks!!!
  9. zannaz

    Anyone goping Big Day Out

    WOOOPs hahahahaha ROFL ???????goping?????? i meant going!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. zannaz

    Anyone goping Big Day Out

    I am and it looks like an awesome lineup this year....can't wait for QOTSA ans PJ Harvey...woohoo
  11. zannaz

    check ppl

    do't get me wrong i am stoked with my 95.45 but it does get kind of wierd in here with so much ppl that get ova 99....makes me jealous!!!
  12. zannaz

    UAC preferences

    I'm gonna change them after the information day at UTS and USYD coz i'm undecided, though when i get muy UAI i changed the order!!!
  13. zannaz

    Commerce at Syd & Business at UTS cut offs

    i got 95.45 and i'm really hoping that the USYD commerce cut off doesn't rise too much coz that's where i've wanted to go for ages!!!!
  14. zannaz

    What uni you off to?

    i gonna do commerce/arts at Usyd or Business/Int Studies @UTS . . . UNSW too far for me!!
  15. zannaz

    peter skryzynecki?

    try and find other source material that have the same messages, ideas to the poems. Memorise important qoutes that empasis crucial ideas.....remember TECHNIQUES are also crucial!!!
  16. zannaz

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    i studied on average about 5 hours each night. i also typed up study notes for each subject and used a wide range of texts eg. excel. be organised
  17. zannaz


    i got 95.45 and was originally aiming foe 82.95
  18. zannaz

    What Uni Courses Are Yous All Doing??

    heading for B Commerce/ B Arts at USYD
  19. zannaz

    would you go to......

    every since year 7 i wanted to go to USYD and there's where i'll be going to do commerce/arts . . .:D
  20. zannaz

    Reactions to UAIs!

    i only expected a low UAI, about in the low 80's or high 70's and my parents new they were obviously ecstatic with my 95.45...