So my 18th is coming up a few days before christmas and i want to hold a party this year, for like the first time in never. Except, i'm not super rich. I've heard many just hire function halls, hire a dj etc but i'm broke AF. Any ideas or suggestions? There's probs nothing i can do but my limit...
Anyone have any ideas for a good creative?
Not sure if i should write those creative cliche stories or write a self-discovery type?
All ideas would be nice, thanks (and no i won't copy you, but to have an idea of what everyone is doing)
Anyone else having trouble scriptwriting? bc I AM. Does anyone know how the script should be written like movements etc? do we have to write Centre stage etc or do we go like 'Person A enters through the door and whistles'. And does anyone know how scenes should be written? and the formatting...
Hey there, new here. Anyways, im really stuck on the 3 pieces i should play for my hsc as it is /hard/ to find any my type. I'm the sort of person that enjoys beautiful and slow music with a bit of technical work in it. Any suggestions? (has to be around 8th grade+ standard) so yeah. thank you!