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  1. nsbrando

    honeypossum digestive system how much sugar should they get?

    honeypossum digestive system, how much sugar should they digest???
  2. nsbrando

    Chem: Solubility Discusion

    So guys i just wanna know what i gonna answer in my discussion part of my Prac report. Prac: Solubities i used water to dissolve to following Results: <tbody> Substance Soluble/Insoluble NaCl (Salt) Soluble Sugar Soluble Silicon Dioxide (glass beads) Insoluble Cellulose (Grass)...
  3. nsbrando

    C1V1=C2V2 Prac??

    Syllabus dot point: 4.2.5: Perform a first hand investigation to make solutions to specific volume to volume and mass to volume specifications and dilute them to specified concentrations (cV=constant) Is there an easy experiment i can do at home? This is for my prac report. Related Dot points...
  4. nsbrando


    Can you guys give a simple explanation of its behaviour and its properties?
  5. nsbrando

    What are the following molecular structures?

    1.Salt 2.Sugar 3.Cellulose (grass)
  6. nsbrando

    Experiment? C1V1=C2V2

    Is there an easy, simple experiment using this formulae, btw this is for my prac report. ANY IDEAS???
  7. nsbrando

    Make this method past tense

    Can you guys make this in past tense, sorry my english is bad. Method: Get a small Beaker and add small amount water. Get a dropper and make one drop of water on a bench. Take a piece of Parafilm and carefully peel of the paper and do NOT touch the Parafilm (the clear part) and take a...
  8. nsbrando


    having trouble finding exact values for these following questions 1. 1-cos45 over 1+cos45 2. 5cosec^2 60 3. 2-tan60 over sec^2 45 ^2 -means squared
  9. nsbrando

    Short Film Ideas???

    i need some ideas for my multimedia assignment, ideas with no violence. something simple.
  10. nsbrando


    find exact values 1. 2sec45 - cosec30 2. 2sin60 over sin45
  11. nsbrando

    Past Multimedia students: In need of a good example of a portfolio/Work journal this is my friends MM assignment, go to info and you can get his management folio his folio is in yr12 HSC format hope this helps :)
  12. nsbrando


    is there a good, easy experiment at home to investigate viscosity?
  13. nsbrando


    find exact value cos30 cos60 - sin30 sin60
  14. nsbrando

    Electric Circuits

    Investigate power circuits for different types of household appliances and explain why different circuits are required for light and power.
  15. nsbrando

    Trigonometry exact value

    find exact value tan45+tan60 Over 1-tan45 tan60
  16. nsbrando


    Find exact value, rational denominator if relevant sin45 cos30 + cos45 sin30
  17. nsbrando


    tan60 - tan30 Find the exact value with rational denominators. plz help I end up with root 3 minus 1 over root 3 and i know thats not finished, i don't know whats the next step.
  18. nsbrando

    HELP!! Dissolutions

    How do i describe dissolutions which release heat as exothermic, and can you give me an example.
  19. nsbrando

    Dissolutions exothermic

    How do i describe dissolutions which release heat as exothermic?
  20. nsbrando


    Can you guys explain what the use of this formula and an example of the use of the formula.