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  1. HumanDichotomy

    Use of the word 'gay'...

    What do people think of using this word to describe something as bad or inferior, or as an insult to someone?
  2. HumanDichotomy

    The domestic affairs of countries should be subjected to international scrutiny

    We had this as a debating topic...just wondering what people think? EDIT: Should this be allowable? Should we be able to scrutinise and then intervene?
  3. HumanDichotomy

    Ted and Sylvia

    Hey all, Well, in studying the wonderful world of 'Conflicting Perspectives', a certain polarisation of our English class has emerged surrounding the Plath-Hughes situation. Just wondering who you sympathise with and why? And what are your favourite poems?
  4. HumanDichotomy

    Hughes vs. Plath

    Hey all, Well, in studying the wonderful world of 'Conflicting Perspectives', a certain polarisation of our English class has emerged surrounding the Plath-Hughes situation. Just wondering who you sympathise with and why?
  5. HumanDichotomy

    Game - Shag, marry or kill?

    Okay, this is a game where the person above gives three names (in this case we'll make it two groups of three so that a guy or a girl can answer, because obviously you don't know the gender of the person below you yet) and they choose which of those three they would shag, which they would marry...
  6. HumanDichotomy

    Who knew exercise was so good for you?

    Yeah well, as you all no doubt know, the HSC is pretty full on, so things you're not so keen on get pushed to the side. For me, it was exercise. And I started to feel really yuck. So, recently, I restarted tae kwon do, and I feel great. I'm so glad I did. Who knew exercise was that good for you...
  7. HumanDichotomy

    United States of Tara...

    What do you guys think of that show? I watched it for the first time today and was like 'What the hell?' I didn't know what it was about...which made it very confusing. I liked the characters, but I thought it changed scenes too quickly. Then I looked it up and it made more sense, and seemed...
  8. HumanDichotomy

    Aussie values?

    Hi y'all, Was listening to the radio today and some guy was blabbing on about the importance of Australian values, how crucial it was to stick to them, how unique they were, etc. So just wondering, in your opinion, what are the quintessential Australian values? How important are they? Do...
  9. HumanDichotomy

    Prisoners and voting...

    This post was inspired by the 'Euthanasia for Life Prisoners?' post. It got me thinking about the rights of those in jail, which reminded me of a discussion we had in Modern last year about whether people in jail should be allowed to vote. I got into an argument with my friend about voting as a...
  10. HumanDichotomy

    When is it a baby?

    Hey guys. Just wondering your opinions on when a fetus becomes a baby? When should/shouldn't we abort a pregnancy? Interesting case, which was what started me thinking about this in the first place... I was talking to my school chaplain today and he was telling me about a friend of his who...