Dean Announces Degree Partnerships with Oxford, NYU, and CUHK : The Melbourne JD : The University of Melbourne
For someone that hopes to study the melbourne jd it seems pretty exciting, especially the chance to study for a year at oxford. The competition is probably going to be extremely tough...
Its something that my mates and i were talking about last night, how we were all nostalgic about year 12, money is such an issue now, loss of friends, no house parties anymore, and basically the fact now we have to grow up and start making important decisions and life really isnt all its cracked...
I've recently decided that after 2 years out of school and a year of Engineering I really don't want to study eng, nor work in the field. My interests have always lied with law and arts, and i purely did eng for the career prospects (shit idea, i know) So here's my dilemma. I'm trying to...