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  1. S

    please urgent help needed

    If anyone would be so kind to please upload the worked solutions for the 3unit maths 2007 and 2008 HSC. please i am finding trouble answering the questions and really need clear explanations of how to do some questions. thank you very much to anyone who does it. please be as quick as possible...
  2. S

    Best ringtones

    hey was just thinking about getting a new ringtone for my phone, but not too sure what song would be good. would appreciate any suggestions, preferably latest songs. thanks guys !
  3. S

    fail at 4unit

    hey. anyone know what a 50% in the hsc for 4unit maths would scale to. and any other examples would help to. thanks
  4. S

    marks for history extension

    Hey. just wandering what kind of marks to get in exams and in the project to get top band in history extension. thanks
  5. S

    Trial marks

    Just wandering what type of trial mark is needed for a top band in 3 unit? - considering do 4 unit if that matters thanks
  6. S

    4unit tutor needed please

    hi im currently in year 12 and am seeking for some help in 4unit maths. i don't need someone to teach me new topics. i just need someone to help me with my homework questions from school that i have trouble with. if you are able to help me please PM me or post your phone number below. i would...
  7. S

    attention survivors of history extension major works!!!

    hey to anyone whose completed their major history extension projects. just wandering what marks you got for your process log, essay and other things associated with project. because i dont think im doing that great and just wandering what type of marks i need to get a good mark. thanks
  8. S

    Help for process log!!!

    i was just wandering does the proposal for the project get marked and if so how much is it worth? also for the process log, what kind of things do i put in it. because i'm running out of things to put in it. can we put in written summaries of books that i have read which will be used for my...