we recently had 4u half yearlies and they asked us to draw:
cos (x+y) = 0
for curve sketching
i'm sure it must be a line or an array of lines, but anyone know how to solve it in such a way?
graphmatica gives me a line y= -x + pi/2 but then again it's not good for implicit fuctions either...
i was gonna drop a few subjects last year but then reconsidered
but i didn't do *ish for them in year 11
will the year 11 dot pts be in HSC
i know they carry on to year 12, but what about those that don't? will they be tested in externals?
Explain what is meant by thermal pollution and...
one of the properties of a primary standard is that it has high molar mass. this reduces the percentage error when weighing.
how does that work? can you give examples?
hi in our esterification prac we had to use fused CaCl2 to dry the organic ester layer
but i don't get how it dries it or what exactly it dries. coz if you put calcium chloride in your organic layer, aren't you contaminating it? even if you distill it, it'll still be there. or is it decanted...
weak acid-strong base --- phenol
strong acid-strong base --- bromo blue
strong acid-weak base -- meth o
so when we did prac titrating HCl and NaOH why did we use phenolphthalein instead of bromothymol blue?
coz it's just easier to see colour transition from clear to salmon pink rather than...
oh whoops i just realised that the title doesn't have much to do with this post -- i only realised now i'm sorry
this question to previous hsc students out there did 4 u maths:
i just want to know if it's possible to get a 98 in 3u and 4u -- i don't want to aim too high (the lower you...
bored seems to be running short of members right now
i can't get my head around this ...either something i don't know or i've just removed the very brick that will cause the foundation of chemical chemistry to collapse in on itself...though i doubt the latter
consider this problem:
if you don't achieve your aim, and get into the next best course
i know you can later transfer into your desired course
say you wanna get into medicine at new south
you get into medical science at new south
how well do you have to do in first year to get in second year your desired course
my english marks are really bad
i came exactly average at my school st george girls for our first assessment [65 %, the task being worth 30%]
but i could do worse
is it possible to get a 80 hsc aligned mark?
how difficult is it to obtain a 95 aligned hsc mark for chemistry? what would the raw mark be around? if you come, say, tenth at a school lke st george girls, is it possible?
i do 12 units
when i put in scores of around 90 in the SAM calculator, they don't count because they scale down
so i'm thinking you gotta get a really high mark [like 97s] to actually get scaled up in latin
how difficult is it to get that kind of score
i know shore and syd grammar prob all get...