Hi all, i have an assignment on sustainability and i need to talk about "tools for increasing sustainability"
does anyone have any information i could use? i need to conduct a 1500 word report by tuesday
Since i'm procrastinating, thought i'd make this thread.
Isn't it hilarious how Board of Studies give us 'practice papers' and half the crap on there is awaiting copyright?
Especially for SOR and english..
I mean, if it's breaching copyright, then don't put it in the damn exam..
Based on reviews of the Mathematics paper, it was significantly different in comparison to other years (could mean harder or easier)...
I have a feeling that will be the same case for general mathematics, as this seems to be the year where they love to experiment new examination methods...
I honestly think out of the three prescribed topics .. communication systems will be the hardest because you have to know the actual theory and cant bullshit on the spot like you can with the others
My two chosen topics are multimedia and TPS - both are easy
HSC starts in 3 days.. how is everyone feeling and coping with the studying/cramming, and the pressure?
The stress hasn't hit me yet, but on sunday.. i don't think i'll sleep
8 more days, then no more English forever!
I will be the happiest person alive at this time, Wednesday afternoon.
Anyone else excited?
I was told about mark alignment (so if you get like 78 for english, its aligned to a band 6)
How does this alignment work; does it actually affect your ATAR, or is it only your raw HSC mark that affects it
If it doesn't affect the ATAR, then what is the purpose and the use of it? Does it...
The day i finish HSC i'm getting my PS3..
Would everyone be kind enough to post their PSN on this thread and i will add you as soon as i get mine :)
I will post my PSN here once i get it for anyone who is interested in adding me
I want to do an accounting course, but i'm not sure which university i should choose; UTS or Macquarie?
I have been told that Macquarie is good for business, but UTS is good also.
What should i go for?
Please feel free to leave your opinions and recommendations
What is everyone planning to do after the HSC?
I know that i'm getting my long awaited PS3 and also my license, and i'm going to go crazy.. wooo not long to go !
What could i get with these ranks
SOR1: 3/21
General maths : 6/20
IPT: 2/7
Eng Adv: 11/21 :(
Business studies: 4/13
(the rank was exact, but the total students wasn't; give or take 2-3)
(all raw marks were 80+)
I also did an accounting tafe course, and i achieved around a mid band 6
What could i get with these ranks
SOR1: 3/21 (i think its 21, round there)
General maths : 6/20
IPT: 2/7
Eng Adv: 11/21 :(
Business studies: 4/13
(the rank was exact, but the total students wasn't; give or take 2-3)
(all raw marks were 80+)
I also did an accounting tafe course, and i...
Bring on maths and business! So ready to fail haha!
How's everyone else coping, knowing the two most retarded subjects are on the same day?
I'm pretty confident to be honest xD