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  1. G


    What is the ATAR requirement for an accounting major at USYD? Have tried looking at the website, not sure where/how to find it
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    Few questions

    What exactly is UTS like? For those who currently go there, would you say you actually enjoy it, and is it easy to get around/does the structure and positioning of everything (classes, cafeteria, bathrooms, etc.) appeal to you/motivate you? What would it be like for someone who wants to do...
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    Uni help

    I was just wondering.. does the uni you go to affect the type of degree/job opportunities you can get upon completion of the course? For example, would someone at UNSW get a better degree and have a better chance at securing a job over someone who goes to somewhere like Notre Dame? (not saying...
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    General maths - LOL

    so is anyone else screwed like me? If they throw in any long answer questions on stupid triangles, bearings where we gotta construct the triangle (then work out the stupid depression elevation crap), or even retarded shapes, me screwed. Is anyone else on the same boat as me so i can feel a tad...
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    Studies of Religion 1 unit - help :(

    So i was previously doing 2 unit religion, but i dropped down to 1 unit, and i literally have no notes, because the everything is different (person, practice and place), and my teacher is crap, as they are rarely in class, and to top that off, they haven't even provided me with the notes i...
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    Help :(

    Best way to prepare for tomorrow? i have all my essays ready, but im scared i might blank and forget things :/
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    Goodluck everybody!

    less than 14 hours until paper 1 Good luck everyone :D PS. trials are not the end of the world, they're good practice for areas that require improvement, so don't stress!
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    Last minute advice?

    Paper 1 is tomorrow anyone have some last minute advice they can give me? pretty confident for paper 1, but crapping myself for paper 2
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    Trials monday and tuesday!!

    So i assume that most people will be sitting paper 1 on monday and paper 2 on tuesday does anyone want to give me any final tips for paper 2? i'm starting to stress a lot knowing that i have to memorise/know three modules and then write about them in 2 hours! what are you guys doing to...
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    urgent help needed

    so when i do trigonometry questions with my teacher i know how to do it, and i amaze myself, because i actually get it right :D however, when i do questions on my own, i struggle and get mixed up with when i should use Pythagoras, or the sine/cosine rule, and whatever else you can use so does...
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    anyone offering free tutoring?

    hello everyone, my name is George, as you all know and i was just wondering if anyone was offering free tutoring for business studies, or could review assignment drafts/essay drafts (don't have any essays yet) and give me feedback i currently achieve high band 4s in this subject, but i'm...
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    Desperately in need of an English Advanced tutor charging

    Desperately in need of an English Advanced tutor hello everyone, I just finished year 11, and in about 2 weeks i will be entering year 12, and my weakest subject at the moment is English. i need someone who is willing to tutor me 1 on 1, in a library, or wherever is easier for both of us...
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    Advanced english - Othello notes/essays needed asap

    hello everyone, i have my preliminary exam on monday for english advanced, and i was just wondering if anyone had some free notes or essays about Othello that i could use for my study and preparation if so, please email me ASAP at thankyou all in advace, George.
  14. G

    English advanced - notes needed asap

    just wondering if anyone has any notes on both/either Othello and Frontline (or a text about representation of truth), and if you could please send to my email : help would be much appreciated thankyou in advance, George.
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    Advanced English tutor needed - preliminary and HSC

    I'm currently in year 11 and looking for someone who can tutor me for both the preliminary and HSC course (from now, until the end of the HSC). For more information please contact me on 0416871017 (if on weekday, please call after 3.30pm), or email me at