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  1. Domsky

    Is it a good move to start ahead for the next term subjects?

    Heyy ppl, i was curious whether its a smart thing to power ahead on my subjects.... I'm kinda nearly finish every point im doing in each of my subjects however im very very tired and unmotivated to continue... dont know what happened to me...its like i run out of stamina or something...
  2. Domsky

    Music while studying? Distraction or Motivation...?!? What do you think....

    Heey ppl i was wondering whether listening to music is a distraction or a kinda motivation....anyway my parents think listening to music is a BIG NO NO while studying can they be right? i need some answers from some guru here lols
  3. Domsky

    Helpful Websites or books? eg Bored Of Studies or Excels HSC textbooks...

    I need other websites....anyone open to help me out.. many thanks...:)
  4. Domsky

    Can eating healthy make you super smart?

    Just curious, I was wondering whether eating good food can make you super smart... And what are they?
  5. Domsky


    Heey ppl, i was wondering what motivates you to strive best because im kinda running out of good motivations.... plus what are the 'distractions' during your studies... Well heres mine: Motivation: 1 Reach Uni 2 Finish my uni subjects 3 Get job, then become...
  6. Domsky

    Pygmalion and Witness Who's Doing this two for English and What school? I need help..

    Heey Im doing Pygmalion and Witness(movie) for English standard...My skool is DLSA and i need help to make note on pygmalion...anyone able to help out? Thnx
  7. Domsky

    Do you need an atar if you are becoming an actor?

    Just curious this is my last option as a carrer after year 12 since i want to be a lawyer or a teacher(secondary) but if i dont become either one of these...i was thinking Hollywood or something like becoming an actor....just wondering to i need to study anything for it or get a good atar...
  8. Domsky

    Does Yr 12 students entitled to have 'holiday breaks'?

    Just wondering since im in yr 12 and my coordinator said that yr 12s dont have holiday breaks because we should use it for studying... I think this is the right thing..but I also want to have some fun during my break... What would do in this situation??? I would study though....since my future...