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  1. Z

    eco question

    If growth in year 1 is 2%, and then growth in year 2 is 1%, will this increase cyclical unemployment? I know that 1% still implies an increase in real GDP, but growth is slowing down, so is it considered a downturn???
  2. Z

    Essay options

    DO you guys have a preference for essays you will choose, like eg:macro policy mix vs case studylabour vs globalisation etc?Put your ordered list here haha... I will find it hard to choose out of the 4 questions, how will you guys make up your mind? Statistics that are relevant? Theory?
  3. Z

    Possible case study short answers?

    I know it will most likely be an essay question, but what short answers could they ask - besides the past papers one...Do you think they would ask environment? inequality? Or something like that for a 3 marker, or would that be too hard? I have a feeling it will be a hard short-answer..
  4. Z

    Causes of inequality

    The syllabus has trends like education, age, etc. would these be considered causes, or would unemployment be a better cause of inequality?
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    Cssa question 5 multiple choice?!?!??!!

    Helen planted a bed of gardenias in rows on her commercial property. each row had to be fertilised before she started planting. There were 13 gardenia plants in first row, 19 in 2nd, and so on. each succeeding row had 6 more gardenia plants than the row before it. IF helen wanted to plant...
  6. Z

    Specimen paper report question

    Why in the answers does it say for the report that you can mention distribution strategies? I thought it was on global marketing so just global branding, pricing and competitive positioning?
  7. Z

    Effectiveness of policy questions

    If the extended response is analyse the effectiveness of fiscal policy etc.. How much time should you spend on advantages and disadvantages? Should you also talk about general theory as well, or just focus on political constraints, conflicting objectives and global influences and time lags?
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    Now till HSC

    How much study will you do? WHich subjects will you be concentrating on most? Besides pastpapers, will you be doign anything else? Will you make a study timetable - using a goal basis or hourly basis? Wish you all good luck. 5 weeks of hard work for a life time of gain.
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    Is it usually one technique/quote/effect for one mark?
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    Case study

    How would you structure a case study response, extended and short answer? With extended would you put more theory, like discuss globalization generally, and then link in the economy and strategies?
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    qantas human resources

    For a case study for Qanatas, since their human resource management is so ineffective, what have you found are the strategies they implement?
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    Extended responses for humanity

    There is 6 weeks till trials for our school. Do you recommend for sections 3 and 4 of the business and Eco exam for past papers that doing plans on different topics open book is better than doing actual essays under exam conditions?
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    Work these last two weeks

    Our school has trials week 5/6 term 3. What work do you suggest I do in these two weeks? Do you think doing past papers 7 weeks before is a bit silly? this is for subjects like economics, maths, business... English is all good.
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    Before assessments, is it okay to rest in bed for 6-8 hours ( or whatever normal sleep time is) and relax/close your eyes, without getting sleep? Will it significantly affect your ability to concentrate, or will it be okay as your eyes/mind are relaxing. I know sleep is best, but before...
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    Projectile motion help please

    Can someone please help with projectile motion: Cambridge 3 unit book Ex 3G, question 10c If someone has the book can you PLEASE explain it, and if you can, also question 12
  16. Z


    Can someone please link me to a forum with pastpapers - where links actually work/ or they are in a pdf format. Not hsc ones, but trials etc. Both maths 2 unit and 3unit please, or upload some, please.
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    study this last week

    Its one week before minis for our school, and I am wondering, how many hours do you guys recommend I should do this final week. Last week I did 8-10, I feel I am quite prepared, but still need to do alot of pastpapers etc. Do you think it is hard to go for 10 - 12 hours?
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    What library do you guys go to?
  19. Z

    Operational and marketing strategies

    Question: what operational/ marketing strategies would be used by a business going global. Is it just, for operations: global sourcing, r and d, economies of scale, and scanning and learning, or would u also put in supply chain,mquality and technology management? And marketing strategies would...
  20. Z


    Hey was just wondering how many hours you sleep during holidays and school. And also does anyone know, if I get into bed at say 11 but don't sleep till 1, will I be okay the next day. I mean like is resting for 2 hours trying to sleep, nearly as good as sleeping itself?