Yo, so we did this a long time ago and I no longer understand. At all. I know that Hertz discovered it through his experiments to measure the speed of EM waves. And yeah, the animations online make little sense :evilfire:
Lucia currently earns $25 000. Her wage increases by 5% each year. Find:
(a) Her wage after 6 years
(b) Her total earnings in 6 years
Can somebody please explain why 'n' is 7 in this question and not '6'. And furthermore, why we use S7 and not S6 when we work out the total earnings?
Hey, can anybody please help me with this moderately difficult question? If you could do a simple solution with explanations I would be pretty grateful.
The 6th term of an arithmetic series is 23 and the sum of the first 10 terms is 210. Find the sum of 20 terms.
I have been asked: <a href="http://www.codecogs.com/eqnedit.php?latex=Find \int x^2 e^{x}^{3-1} dx" target="_blank"><img src="http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?Find \int x^2 e^{x}^{3-1} dx" title="Find \int x^2 e^{x}^{3-1} dx" /></a>
That x is raised again to (3-1). So x^2 e^x^3-1. I...
So the question is:
I keep getting my answer as Ln(2)- 4 units2. Answer says Ln(2) + 0.5 units2.
I don't get what I am doing wrong. Isn't the area between curves the integral between 0 and 2 of top curve - bottem curve? How do you even know which curve is top or bottem?
Thanks as always
I have 2 questions from my weekend homework that I am struggling with.
I think the answer is either C or A. If I had to pick I would say C since the charge is attracted to the plate and field lines go from positive to negative.
I think the answer is either C or D. If I had to pick I...
Hi guys,
From my assigned work I have had two problem questions,
I proved that x^3e^x differentiated, was indeed the above integral. I'm not sure if the wording just wanted me to prove it or if it wanted me to solve the integral as well. What does 'determine' mean in a mathematical...
Yes, you may think I'm a blockhead but I have never fully understood this simple concept. Does anybody wana have a shot using examples? Thanks + rep :)
Hi, need help
Find the stationary point on the curve y = e^x and determine its nature. Find any points of inflexion and find values of y as x becomes very large or small. Hence sketch the curve.
I got as far as working out the stat point's co-ordinates and then what y'' is but now im stumped...
When asked if an acid is a strong or weak is there a way we can "determine" this or do we just have to memorise which are which?
1. Classify the following as strong acids or weak acids:
a) HCL
b) H2CO3
c) H2SO4
d) H3PO4
2. Classify the following as strong or weak bases:
Hey guys, I've been asked to answer the following question for homework:
I have got some really good research done to answer this question but I'm not sure how to actually present it. Should I break it down into the 3 key areas and speak to each of those or just integrate the whole thing...
Hey guys, just brushing up on revision for my upcoming test-
Can anyone explain Why must the balance of CAD + Financial & Capital AC = 0 under a floating exchange rate?
Hey guys
Here is a pretty difficult two questions, if anybody could provide a full solution to both I would be eternally grateful!! Apologies for the slightly blurring scan :|
EDIT: Assume the dissociation rate for both acids is 100%. Thanks for that one barbenator ;)