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  1. Pyrobooby

    Couchman Book 2 Ex 25.3 Q4 b) i)

    From the above equation (y=4x-x^2), show that x may be expressed as x=2+sqrt(4-y) or x=2-sqrt(4-y). I have no clue how to go about this part. Thanks in advance.
  2. Pyrobooby

    Belonging essay.

    How long should our belonging essays be? I realise that this is a subjective question, but the essay I've written comes close to 5 pages on font 11 and there's no way I can write this much in the examination (on a second thought, how long are we given in the exam?). Anyways, I am planning to...
  3. Pyrobooby

    Cambridge 4U Ex 1.10 Q7 (Graphs)

    A chord AB of a circle makes an angle (theta) with the diameter passing through A. If the area of the minor segment is one-quarter the area of the circle, show that: sin (2[theta]) = (pi/2) - (2[theta]). Solve this equation graphically. Even using the worked solutions, it is not making any...
  4. Pyrobooby

    Geometric Progression

    If in a geometric sequence the sum of the second and third terms is 20 and the sum of the fourth and fifth terms is 320, find the common ratio and the first term. Assume that the common ratio is positive. Couchman 3U Book 1 Ex. 14.8 Q18 I tried: ar+a(r^2)=20 ----1 a(r^3)+a(r^4)=320----2...
  5. Pyrobooby

    Advanced vs. Standard (2)

    I cannot see the thread below this, it seems relevant so that kinda sucks. Anyways: If a student in standard english produced essays/answers worthy of a band 6 in advanced, would this equate/average out to be worth a band 6 in standard? If so, would there be a difference in their final...
  6. Pyrobooby

    Trigonometric Equations.

    Find theta: sec^2(\theta )+5tan\theta -5=0 Within 0 to 360 degrees. Couchman 3u Book 2 Exersise 24.5 Q3 (g).
  7. Pyrobooby

    Advanced vs. Standard.

    I've been offered a place in Advanced English. At first, I chose standard because I planned to be a more mathematics/science based student, and thought advanced might consume more time which I'd rather be spending on studying mathematics/science. I topped standard by quite a large gap, and my...
  8. Pyrobooby

    Fitzpatrick 3U + Cambridge 3U Yr12

    General inquiry: What topics are covered in each book? I'm not able to move around currently, so if I were to ask someone to buy me the book, I'd want to know what I'm dealing with. TL;DR: If you've got any of the above two books, would you kindly list the chapters in the books. Thanks in...