Police in Sweden carried out a raid in Stockholm today, seizing servers, computers, and other equipment. At the same time The Pirate Bay and several other torrent-related sites disappeared offline. Although no official statement has been made, TF sources confirm action against TPB.
For many...
hi i've been trying to book a red p test at penrith/mt druitt/blacktown RTA's for late january, early february and it says there is no available time. I forward the calendar throughout all of 2015 and not a single time is available. WTF...is this a glitch, i went to RTA and they said u can only...
i need one innovation that has occured for bicycles, i have already talked about differences in frames, wheels, materials, etc. need another innovation
Hey, can anyone recommend a laptop cooling pad with a fan? I use a macbook pro 13' and it reaches into the high 90s some times when i am doing heavy application work such as editing in PS or working on lots of documents simultaneoulsy but usually stays around the 70 degree mark when doing light...
how big should my palm cards be? my teacher said they should be as big as when u fold an a4 page twice, but that seems way too big. So what should i do, make them small and 'normal size' or do what my teacher says, btw she is very strict and mean.
so i have an IPT assignment in which to make a database, it is a two part assignment and got 100% for part 1, except for part 2 i havent done the database but have done all the theory and i don't think i can make one. my question is that if i get say top marks for theory but a low mark for...
hi guys, i have a business exam on marketing tmmrw composed of 20MC and the rest short answer. Can anyone suggest what topics are the most important to read over?
hey i have to create a dataflow diagram that demonstrates a customer becoming a member with a video store and then wishing to hire a video, donno how to do, any help plz
I have a dilemma, i have an exam for 2u on series/sequence and geometrical app of calculus on tuesday and am fairly good at doing questions from textbooks however get stuck quickly on past papers. Is there anyway i can solve this issue? Please don't say do past papers coz my brain becomes stupid...
physics in focus vs. jacaranda vs. in2physics vs Macquarie guide physics
i have access to all of these but can any1 suggest which would be the best to refer to? a lot of ppl are saying physics in focus and jacaranda
i am stuck on these questions coz there are 2 very correct answers in each...
1. bob yogurts has introduced a fat free product as a result of doing market research which indicated that customers preferred to eat healthy.
this illustrates how marketing should:
a) be customer focused as it...