Sorry, this is a very ambiguous and vague question as the expectations and standards may vary from subject to subject and what not... but basically, is it HARD to achieve an atar of 70? Because after completing my exams... im really starting to underestimate my abilities of achieving an atar of...
I've got two exams left and I'm seriously drained out! I ceebz studying anymore, my brain literally feels like its on the verge of exploding. I know that this is my final week of exams but I just can't get myself to make that last little effort of studying!
Ahhh intrinsic motivation has...
Hey guys um well I doubt I'll get the atar required for my course at my chosen uni so Im considering applying for a lower course offered at my chosen uni, then transferring to my desired course.
Reckon its a good idea? or is it preferable for me to taken up my desired course at uws (because...
I'm pretty sure my hsc gen math exam mark will suck... considering I didn't perform as well as I wish I wouldve.
My internal average right now is exactly 80% but I also screwed up my trials, leaving me with a rank of 16/60... and what if I do end up failing my hsc gen math exam... what band do...
Do we actually get given graphics calculators for the hsc gen math exam? My school has actually introduced them to us, and ever since the half yearly exams, we've had the option of using them or not. I'm personally not v. familiar with them but it is v. useful at times so reckon they'll provide...
How did you guys find it? :) tbh, I don't think I addressed the question properly... twas slightly hard to answer but hope I didnt do as bad as a think I did!
Could the bos actually ask students to make reference to a specific poem for the belonging essay? and what are the chances of that happening?
Thank you :)
Looking at recent past papers for standard eng, and just noticed, the module questions only ask for a single related text. Is this the new trend now or are they bound to ask for 2 related text this time?
math gen: 13/60
eng std: 6/65
pdhpe: 10/31
cafs: 10/29
french: top20/50 (i think)
school rank: top 200
these are roughly my ranks, havn't got my report with me but is it possible to achieve an atar of +80?
Hey guys! I just got my rank for french and it's hpnestly horrible! I ran out of time to complete the reading and responding so that screwed me over so bad! but for speaking & listening i managed to get full marks and i got a 14/15 for the writing section... now my rank is 30/50 ... which is...
Sorry to be a hassle once again but could someone please honestly tell me what my ranks would have to be for the following subjects in order to achieve an atar of 82? Thank you! :)
School rank - 180 :)
Eng standard: ?/65
Maths gen: ?/60
French continuers: ?/50
Studies of religion 1: ?/82...
Hey guys, um my rank for meth gen, prior to trial was 7/60 with an avg of 89% but as I did super dooper bad in my math trial it dropped down to 13/60 and I now have an avg of 79.65 (which I consider bad for gen maths)... do I still have a chance to redeem myself in HSC in order to potentially...
Just curious, what if I received that following bands for at the end of the yr (combo of both the internals + externals), what would it equal to... atar-wise that is...
Stndrd eng: high band 4
Gen math:high band4
French continuers: low band 5
CAFS: mid band 4
PE: low band 4
Okay, I havnt gotten my ranks yet but let's just say hypothetically that my ranks dropped down significantly due to my horrible performance in trials... what would my atar estimation be? Reckon I could get over 80 with the following ranks?
Standard eng: 20/65
Gen math: 16/60
PDHPE: 20/31...
Okay so let's say I have an avg. of high 70s for my eng. internal marks and a ranking of around 7-8/65... by how much exactly will my marks scale down?
ANNNNND... Would you guys know the band 5 & 6 cut-offs for standard eng. and gen. maths?
Thank you! :)