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  1. 124

    No legal studies or economics, will i struggle in commerce at uni? i do business stud

    Hi, i don't do legal or economics but i do business studies and also commerce in year 9 :S if i do commerce at uni will i have problems? im interested to major in marketing i think
  2. 124

    Information Technology, UMacq - UNSW- UTS or USyd

    Hi just wanted to know what are the best places to do Information Technology in terms of Job hire If you could put them in order from best to worst. Many thanks
  3. 124

    Atar estimate request

    Physics 15/31 Eng Adv 64/66 Math 2U 68/72 Biology 52/71 Business 35/75 Information Tech N/A 230 rank around will i be able to get 74? Thanks.. yes i'm stupid.
  4. 124

    Bonus poins application help

    Hi, i want do apply for bonus points because of my out of school sports (i've seen the requirements) and the school advisor said i need to get a form from UAC website, but i can't find any. Am i meant to go to the uni i want to go to's site? If so, do i need to get a form from each different...
  5. 124

    Failing English ADV hard

    I think i am totally screwed, my rank is 66/68 and only 2 terms left and i don't know what to do.. Should i drop to Standard or try and do better in Adv, but if i got to STD the 1st two terms would be average compared to my Adv, so in standard i'll still be in the bottom? In two terms if i do...
  6. 124

    Yr 12 have no idea how to study need help badly

    Hi, unless i start studying properly i'm gonna be murdered when i get my ATAR of 40 or something like that. My ranks are all horrible, marks are as well. I have no idea how to study. I do Maths 2U Business Physics Biology English Advanced IT (Don't need to study) I have no idea, i basically...
  7. 124

    How to study well and effectively

    Hi, i always forget things and i really want to know how can i study effectively so i remember thing for tests and stuff, should i make a study time table, and do i make notes or something? Thanks
  8. 124

    Biology In Context The Spectrum Of Life

    Hi, anyone have the ebook for this? Thanks
  9. 124

    Jacaranda Physics Prelim 1 Andriessen,Lofts,Morante,Mott Hi, any one have the ebook for the above textbook? Thanks
  10. 124


    Hi, i am doing these English (Advanced) Physics Business Studies Biology Mathematics (2) IT VET I want to do double degree of computer hardware (computer science?) and business, so i can either do accounting etc or ultimate goal of opening a computer shop, my ATAR aim is 90+ if i get...
  11. 124

    Really need advice on mathematics choice and parents pressure

    Hi guys, basically i really bad at maths and i do 2 unit right now, but my parents think i'm doing 3 unit and they are trying to find a tutor for 3 unit and when ever i try to tell my dad thats it too hard and i want to do 2 unit he just yells at me and says i'm dumb and gets really angry for...
  12. 124

    What is Bio about?

    In the prelim and HSC what do you study, i know its plants and animals but what are the rough topics? Thanks
  13. 124

    What is IPT?

    Hello, i am a year 11 student who is new to all this stuff and is only trying to find a combination of subjects that i will love, so i'm doing IPT but i'm thinking of dropping it, but firstly what do you do? Is it like making websites? Thats all? Thanks
  14. 124

    I.T vet year 11 student, need advice

    Hello, i just started Yr 11 and i haven't picked IT VET yet, but i don't know if i want too, i'm a bit confused and would really appreciate some help on these questions. 1. Does all tests and works etc. count toward the 50% for your ATAR like the A subjects? 2. You can do the optional HSC...