im writing a story:jaw:and i need helpi need to collect material on suicide i dont wanna have to do it but my tutor wants me toi need to find books, pieces of poetry, suicide letters etc can anyone help me?
im thinking of having a dress up birthday party and the theme is superheroes and villains. does anyone have any ideas for invitations and games like pin the tail on the transvestite and stuff
its compulsory to do one of the following at the school im going to which one is what and which do people recommend
catholic studies 1unit
studies of religion 1 unit
studies of religion 2 units
i'm yet another one of those mede hopefuls...
i want to do bio and chem...
should i do physics too if i want to do medicine?
do i have to do at least 2 unit maths if i want to do these?
i'm not sure please help me out
i have a survey for people who are left handed and im very interested to know how many people that are left handed become doctors and lawyers and things like that
i do advanced english at the moment and im starting to write a short story and i would like to know what you think of it, and i don't mind if you say it's a waste of time and the shittest thing you've ever read... i tried to attach it but it didnt work so i'm going to copy and paste it
i plan on doing the following subjects but i'm not sure i need help
English Extension 2
General Mathematics
Business Services
maybe PDHPE??
/but AT LEAST 1 unit of religion is compulsory at my school
i love learning i love reading and writing, and i'm not crash hot on...