Since John Howard started using the word "Un-Australian" in the mid 1995, more and more Australians started using this term to achieve their goals or put down their opponents.
But what does UnAustralian mean exactly?
This is the biggest mystery to me, Asians want to be as pale as possible, since white is beautiful, yet white people want to tan themselves?
I have never seen a white girl using umbrella under the scotching Australian sun to protect themselves from tanning.
Monday night's program showed footage of live piglets, possums and rabbits being fixed to mechanical lures and catapulted around tracks while being chased, and eventually killed, by dogs.
That's just...
Are the British effin serious? Memorise times table by the age of 11? How can a nation that produced so many great scientific minds in history have a such low standard?
I memorised my times table in year 2 or age of 7, like all other Chinese students. Why is...
Which is obvious? Now the question is, which religious group has the highest IQ? my vote, Jews. Lowest? Muslims lol obivously.
I'm thinking about opening a new business, probably the only one in the world, I want to import some middle to old aged strict Chinese parents (I mean fucking hardcore Asian beat child to death type of strict, not the World Strictest Parents TV show bullshit White people you're grounded go to...
I used to work in Villawood detention centre as a service officer. I'm Chinese, I just don't think it is fair that pork is not available at all for the entire population because of obvious but not explicit reason of offending the muslim population. As far as I know, this practice has been going...
I never had a girl saying "stop" during sex to me. But in all the porn I watch, the white girls always say "oh yeah baby don't stop", and in Japanese porn, the girl always scream "yamete", which means stop, but continues to the end. So this can be a source of confusion for the men. If I have sex...
I want to create my own religious organisation in Australia with central themes based on eugenics and homeschooling. Does anyone know how to do it legally? I want to create a headquarter based Sydney, accept donations and ability to lobby NSW government to make part-time homeschooling legal.
Both are excellent military leaders that united a group of people and both are mass murderers of other races. But why it okay worship Genghis Khan but not Hitler?
It is because of the fear of offending the Jews?
We all know that homeschooling is much more effective than schools, especially public schools , so why aren't it more popular?
Well, not only will your parents lose some income which they want to save up for their retirement rather than spending on you anyway, they simply find their job more...
So in this movie, the guy offered another guy $25000 to cut off his pinky, which eventually he did it for only 15000. Yet, he offered 50000 to the same people for eating a cooked dog.
Why is cutting your finger offer worth less than the act of eating a cooked dog? WTF? I would have paid to eat...
Still trying to decide which country/state to send my child to, on mac.robertson website it says
High-achieving Year 12 students are also able to include a first-year university study in their course. This contributes to their final ATAR score, and also acts as credit towards an undergraduate...
I seriously don't see anything special about this school, don't know why so many Asians parents are so excited about it, the facility is old, the technology are outdated, the curriculum is standard BOS crap, the teachers are public grade, the students are average nerdy Asians (probably above...