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    Hi, where can i find my 'MyUWSAccount' ID? is it the same as the student ID? i can't find it anywhere. not in the ' MyUWSAccount Status page, or any other page i came across when i was registering and accepting it.
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    member selling his ibm/lenovo

    hey guys there was a guy that was selling his ibm/lenovo on the trade forums it seems he deleted the post. anyone remember who it was? iirc he was of asia minor descent. ie. indian, sri-lanken or pakistani or maybe it was you.
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    UWS LAW, a few questions

    so for the first semester (autumn 2010), there's 4 subjects as a guide. Introduction to Law Torts Law Buisness Academic Skills and Accounting Information for Managers so from the timetables, do i pick one class to go to each week? one for each subject? whats the difference between a...
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    practicing law in the states

    so i was wondering what the process was for someone with a bachelor of laws here, to practice law in the states? now obviously the law system is very different from the states and here. is there some sort of course you have to do to bridge the gap? if so, what is it called, how long is it and...
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    quake live

    anyone play quake live? it's based on quake 3 arena. it's 100% free. QUAKE LIVE PM me your username and ill add you.. and vs you =D
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    what age is it for girls when

    all the girls(or most) worth marrying are already married? of course i am generalizing like a lab rat on amphetamines, but do share your thoughts.
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    don't marry your lover, marry your best friend

    discuss. so the theory goes, once you get married with your lover, and your passion dies out, the marriage will go down the drain.
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    so what textbooks do i need for law? please list them for me here. im trying to figure out how many of them i can get for free. now obviously it depends on my electives, but please list the core ones. ie. criminal law, torts, administrative law..
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    UWS law/com.. which campus?

    so which campus is 'better' for com/law at UWS? is it completely different staff at each campus? or do they roster on and off between campus'? campbelltown has an atar cut-off of 92.15, whereas parramatta is 90.8 which campus has better facilities? which campus has easier access to public...
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    UWS law/com.. which campus?

    so which campus is 'better' for com/law at UWS? is it completely different staff at each campus? or do they roster on and off between campus'? campbelltown has an atar cut-off of 92.15, whereas parramatta is 90.8 which campus has better facilities? which campus has easier access to public...
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    NSW state election.. dilemma

    so i'm voting next election and i'm in a bit of a pickle.. I'm an ALP supporter.. well.. more ALP than liberal. but i'm not a fan of the NSW ALP... incompetent.. and 'corrupt'. but i don't want to vote for the liberals either... how would we go about getting rid of the state government, and...
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    sup e-penpal

    sup. i'm looking for an.. e-penpal if you will. someone from a different part of sydney, nsw, the world etc. having been brought up differently to me. will be very interesting. doesn't matter if you're a girl, a boy, a jew, a christian, a muslim, a hindu, a buddhist.. a marxist, an atheist...
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    how to waterproof a heavy bag

    a couple of days ago i dug a hole, put a post up and filled it with inferior concrete (i only realised after. oh well.. day after though i filled about 20cm with good concrete.) i'll give the concrete a few more days to 'cure', but meanwhile i need to find a way to waterproof the heavy bag...
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    is the server time wrong?

    so i noticed the servers time is incorrect by a few minutes. please fix ! =D
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    Christians --

    I thought I'd share this with you. you may or may not be familiar with the book of revelations, but of the 7 seals of revelation, seal one was september 11 seal two is upon us.. very very soon. now i'm not sure on the accuracy of this, but it's been speculated by watchmen that it's in the...
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    First kiss ideas sydney

    So i'm into this girl. she's very special. i've kissed girls before, and never made an effort to make it 'special' but this girl is amazing. so.. was wondering, where's a good place for a first kiss in sydney? was thinking either: darling harbour (away from the crowds, near the water)...
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    engagement rings

    so i know this is a long way off, for most of us, me included, but i was wondering what's the go with engagement rings. now i don't believe in the 1/2/3 month pay bullshit. well i believe in them to the extent of commercialised holidays. mothers day, valentine, christmas, etc. it should come...
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    has this site been slow lately?

    anyone else getting lag from this site?
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    What's a friend?

    What's the definition of a friend? As i look back, my own definition of a friend has changed dramatically. I remember in primary when a 'friend' was just someone who hang out with you, someone who shared the same interests, or had a few things in common with. (could of even just been one...
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    Wine tasting

    So who's into wine tasting? I'm thinking of after my studies, I'll hit a few of those 'wine and cheese tours/classes' What's your favorite wine? Mine's probably Cabernet Sauvignon. It's found pretty much everywhere, and as a result isn't too expensive. (the good vintages anyway)