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  1. K

    Neap Q

    Can someone please explain the solution. How did they get those values for arg and re of w and w^2. Also why did they group w and w^5, and w^2 and w^4, and so on...
  2. K

    Complex Q

    Can someone explain this q to me plz??
  3. K

    Complex Q

    How is the answer to this q A?
  4. K

    Mechanics Q

    For this q, in the last part: How did they get this value??? I put it into my calculator and I didn't get that
  5. K

    Integ Q

    Why did they sub n = 3??
  6. K

    Past Paper Independent Q

    Why is the answer to this q (b)?
  7. K

    Past Paper Q

    For this q? I don't understand the method they used. What did they do here?
  8. K

    Diff Equs

    WHere does the solution get the domain from??
  9. K

    Mechanics Q

    Why did they times (x-2) on the numerator and denominator in this q?
  10. K

    Integration Q

    Jn this step, isn't it a mistake. Shouldn't it be 1/2 du ?? So Shouldn't the answer actually be D, or am i tripping?
  11. K

    Proofs Q

    Why is the answer to this q B?
  12. K

    Mod 5 q

    How do we do this q?
  13. K

    Graph Q

    Over here why is the domain of the inverse different from the original range: why did it half? Shouldn't the domain of the inverse always be the same as the original function's range?
  14. K

    Graph Q

    For this q, would I just draw the graph and then absolute value it from there. Or is there an algebraic/inequality approach to this
  15. K

    Combinatorics Q

    How do we do c ii? I don't understand this solution
  16. K

    Vectors Q

    In this question, why did they add 270 to the angle??? How did they find this bearing
  17. K

    Complex Q

    Can someone please explain this whole question to me please I don't understand why in the solution they added pi/3 instead of pi/6
  18. K


    Why is the answer B and not C???
  19. K

    Trial Q - Binomials

    Can someone please show me how to do this q, the answer is D
  20. K

    Trial Q

    In this Q, why do the answers calculate the angle of initial velocity to the vertical instead of the horizontal???