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  1. T

    Would a unit greatly impact your overall atar

    As some may know I jst flunked my English standard hsc exam estimating a mark between 60-70 if lucky ,would this impact my atar a lot My trial results are English standard-83 Biology-87 Chemistry-87 Ipt-74 General maths-69 Pdhpe-86 My rankings are English standard-39/250...
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    Alternative pathways to engineering

    I really want to do chemical engineering but after flunking my first english hsc test im not too sure i will get the atar cut off required At USYD currently the atar cut off is 86.80 I feel confident that I got a band 6 in bio and band 5 in IPT but with my english exam im pretty sure my...
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    does it matter the booklet numbers for the essay

    Hi jst realized today that for my english exam i wrote the no of pages i used where we were supposed to write the booklet no will this effect marking :uhoh:
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    help jst skipped entire section of exam

    Can someone out there give me any support I just skipped the creative writing section of my hsc
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    gravimetric analysis acronym

    In the baso4 prac what does w/w mean
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    Simple model of polypeptide synthesis

    How would u make a simple model for protein synthesis and is the process that DNA controls the production of polypeptides the same . Also by model do they mean draw or build a physical model
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    States of matter for ozone depletion

    Do we need to write the state of matter e.g g , aq in the ozone depletion equations in the hsc or would we get marked down for it?
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    Enginering AND jobs avaialble

    Which course should i do B engineering (chemical) or B engineering (materials science and engineering) @ UNSW or B engineering/B science or B engineering (chemical and biomolecular) @ usyd What jobs would be available for me if i do the course How should i rank my uac preferences if i...
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    Engineering And Maths

    Im choosing what i want to study and i was wondering what maths do engineers do in their course , so far for my hsc i have scored high in science subjects , english and ipt but my math skills are a bit low
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    relationship between reactivity and cell voltage

    There was this qs that had 3 galvanic cells and with unamed elements attached to Cu electrode and had a table with their cell voltage and polarity with Cu. How do we work out which elements are more reactive.
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    Into the world topic concepts

    Hi can anyone verify if my topic concepts are about into the world they are An individual’s values and interests can conflict with new experienced due to being forced into the world. Different pathways influence the transition into new phases of life for individuals The...
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    water minimizing adaptations of plants

    Does anyone know any examples of Australian terrestrial plants and their adaptations in minimizing water loss (other than eucalyptus) and can u plz explain how these adaptations work? Also 4 spinifex leaf rolling is an adaptation, what is leaf rolling and how does it work?
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    pH of electrophoresis solution

    <meta name="Title" content=""> <meta name="Keywords" content=""> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"> <meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 2008"> <meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 2008"> <link...
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    Titration calculation problem

    i know how to calculate the concentration of a single acid or base in a titrated mixture but i want to know is how to find the concentration of the entire acid-base mixture together * heres the sample qs that bugging me* calculate the concentration of the mixture where* 500mL of 0.1M of HCl is...
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    Answering bio trial

    Jst wondering how everyone goes through an exam I start with multiple choice and spend 30s on each multiple choice qs usually get at least 18/20 Then i answer the short answer qs What i want to know is what is going through ur head when u answer a bio exam? what is the most effective way...
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    Answering chemistry trial

    Jst wondering how everyone goes through an exam I start with multiple choice and spend 30s on each multiple choice qs usually get at least 16/20 Then i answer the short answer qs i 1st planned and wrote sidenotes on what i knew on all the long ans qs Then from the side notes formulated an...
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    Ester problem

    Hi for esters with the same number of carbon atoms in the molecule which side (alkyl group or the anoate) part of the molecule determines the esters boiling point and why?
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    Weightlifting and height

    Jst wondering if u lift weights will u become shorter? Cause I was thinking about increasing the amount of weight i am currently lifting but i dont know if there are any bad affects of it
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    Fermentation of glucose mass changes

    In a practical exam we had a question on the fermentation of glucose to ethanol , why the mass change stopped at a given time would it be fair to say that due to the limited amount of active sites on yeast only a limited number of glucose molecules will react to the yeast? Also would ethanol...
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    electrochemistry- galvanic cell states

    There is a galvanic cell in one of the past hsc papers where it uses a Ni and Pt electrode as well as Ni and Fe electrolyte solution Im just wondering why Fe+3 cannot make Fe solid it instead makes Fe+2