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  1. H

    Urgent - need answ from smart ppl

    "With reference to one example, explain how Law Reform has assisted in protecting Human Rights?" 5 Marks, someone tell me answer pls.
  2. H

    Questions in Section I AREA OF STUDY

    Hey guys, could someone tell me how I am meant to structure the questions. (Especially for a 5 mark one)
  3. H


    What are your issues/themes/idea for moving into the world. I need to check if mine are appropriate
  4. H

    "Moving into the world" alternative phrases

    I keep saying "The result of Billy moving into to the world" "Billy's moving into the world" "The compulsion to move into the world" I need alternatives that mean the same thing for this phrase pls it is getting really repetitious
  5. H

    making up case study

    basically, we have only done our own business choice on marketing and human resource strats. I asked my teacher and she said that I can just make up the rest for my business. For e.g if its on influences: legal regulations such as the WH&S effect my business _____ Is this alright? or should I...
  6. H

    Business report "Integration of their global and local activities"

    It asks me to outline how they can "Integration of their global and local activities" what topic and syllabus dot points would this come under
  7. H

    other words for:

    Can someone give me more ways of expressing: 1. This idea reaches its apogee 2. In effect, 3. This idea is 'furthered'
  8. H

    Tips on reading task

    Could someone give me a layout to follow when doing the reading tasks section in papers. E.g point, explain, evidence Also what is the best way to find techniques in extracts like stuff from journals
  9. H

    Work out my cumulative rank please

    Basically, I had a good rank in Stand English but I screwed up my speech which is 15%. I still haven't gotten my cumulative mark back yet including my latest assessment (the speech) My cumulative rank before the speech was: 2/23 Which was for 55% of my internal mark My rank for the speech...
  10. H

    2011 hsc crime question

    What syllabus dt points would I include in this question? Explain the tension between community interests and individual rights and freedoms within the criminal justice system.
  11. H

    Contemporary Issue question

    My contemporary issue I have chosen is: Child Labour in India. I'm just wondering if I have to use effectiveness criteria in order to evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses to the issue. effectiveness criteria = resource efficiency accessibility enforceability...
  12. H

    "The rights of children when questioned or arrested" syllabus dotpoints

    I am having trouble writing my notes for this dot point. Ive been stuck on it for 1 hour so far and I don;t understand what to write about :/ Could someone post or send me their notes for this dotpoint or maybe tell me what Im supposed to write for this and where to find the information ...
  13. H

    Need expert opinion on how to study for my upcoming assessment

    My assessment is on Tuesday and I really want to go well in it. Basically my notification is as follows: TIME ALLOWED: 3 hours plus 5 minutes reading time FORMAT:Total marks 100 Section I – 20 marks – Crime & Human Rights Multiple Choice Attempt Questions 1-20 Section II – 30 marks This...
  14. H

    Productivity levels

    I'm just wondering how much you guys can do a day. Today I did one General Maths Prac Exam took me 3hrs 30 min and it took me 6 hours to mark because i think i work extremely slow and have an extreme level of bad productivity.
  15. H

    How can I study

    Basically got math exam in 2 days, not studied yet. Take out the time factor, should I just read my hole math text book and look at examples of how to do EVERYTHING because my major concern with doing past papers is that what if all of them don't question a certain aspect of something and it...
  16. H

    Screwed for upcoming legal exam need help please

    Hello so basically I have my first legal exam all year coming up in 3 days, the topics are: Crime, Human Rights, Workplace and Family. We haven't done an exam all year its either been hand ins or speeches etc. What would be my best course of action to do for this test, I have no notes written...