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  1. K

    Excel quadratic help

    Our maths assignment asks us to solve quadratic equations using excel spread sheet. Only problem is that I've never used excel, and the instructions in the assignment doesn't work, when i press "calculate now" in excel, nothing shows up... Below is a pic of the assignment. Any help would be...
  2. K

    Halp with Satire

    I dont understand what is being made fun of or satarised in the above pic :/ I dunno anything about politics nor have I read alice in the wonder land. Help would be appreciated!! Thanks
  3. K

    trig identities

    Sup guys, how do u do this question? I dont know how to find the value for B >.> Thanks
  4. K

    Uni course of theoretical physics?

    Are there any theoretical physics uni course? If so, what ATAR do I need to get into USYD and UNSW for that? Thanks
  5. K

    Commerce/Economy essay!

    "You will complete an in-class essay on the 'Our Economy' topic. From the question you will be required to respond to what has been provided below. 'Discuss the recent Reserve Bank interest rate cut, Federal Budget and fluctuations in the Australian dollar and their impact on the Australian...
  6. K

    Need clarification on genetics

    "A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein that is found in cells. It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes" Alright, half yearlies is coming up, and I'll be screwed if I don't study for it. So let me get this thing straight. So humans have 23 different pairs of...
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    Rationalization :O

    I never came across rationalizing 3 numbers in a denominator lol :O O_O How do you do this? Thanks
  8. K

    Circle Question

    How do you do this question? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  9. K


    For question 7b, the sum is 307 right? But the answers in Camb says its 314, tell me its wrong please.
  10. K

    Sequence and Series

    How do you do question 15b, Thanks
  11. K

    Accelerate in Physics+Chem

    In year 10 atm, looking for a tutor to accelerate me in physics and chem. My maths should be fine, since I've accelerated 1 year ahead. Also, can anyone recommend a good tutor? So hard to find a good one these days Area is around Parramatta, Ryde, Eastwood, Strathfield to Epping. Any input...
  12. K

    Uhh... algebra...

    Well since this question was listed in camb 3u yr 11 textbook, i'll just ask my question here. Sorry if wrong section. How do u factorise these 2 equations O_O Sankyu
  13. K

    Law in commerce

    What does this phrase mean? <tbody> "Any legal issues/areas of contention that may have been brought up in the cases?" Thanks! </tbody> <tbody> </tbody>
  14. K

    Solving trig equations

    This question... For the final answers, I got thesinX(5cosX-1)=0 , sinX= -3/4 The problem is that the answers in this book for this question only took in consideration of (5cosX-1)=0 and sinX= -3/4 What happened to the value of sinX=0, why isn't it in the answers? Or did I solve it incorrectly?
  15. K

    Need 1 more unit :O

    For my HSC I'm planning to do: Eng Adv(2U) Physics(2U) Chem(2u) Maths Ext1(3U) So yea... the problem is I'm missing 1 unit. I'm not sure what to do :S Should I do 3U eng? But my english is crap, and I'm not creative at all- I absolutely hate creative writing. Should I do 4U maths? But I'm...
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    What do you guys regret?

    Now your doing HSC, what do you guys regret? Studies related ofc :)
  17. K

    Cambridge Trig

    O_O I need help with question 8,b) in Cambridge I can't prove QR=asinB cos^2B The closest proving I got was (2acos^2B)/sinB Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
  18. K

    Accelerate Chemistry

    Looking for a tutor to accelerate chemistry. Yr 10 atm. Around Parramatta area. Thanks
  19. K

    Laws in Commerce omg...

    Can someone please suggest an Australian law that has changed over the past 5 years, or a law that's new. It needs to be a fairly important/big change though, because I need to write quite a lot about it. Not only google is failing- triple face palm, but reading the laws is like asking a chinese...
  20. K

    Cambridge Trig Identities

    Need help with 11,h and 13,c please, and I don't know how to start question 14,a) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!