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  1. Rhinoz8142

    IPT Parramatta Textbook

    Who ever is studying through the IPT Parramatta Textbook, did you do the ABC Corporation Excel Practical Task.
  2. Rhinoz8142

    Impact of Society

    Perform an investigation to demonstrate and identify properties of cathode rays using discharge tubes, from this experiment, what is the impact on society ?
  3. Rhinoz8142

    Symbolism in Briar Rose

    I need some help in symbolism in Briar Rose what are the meaning of the following symbolism - The latticed tower room -Prince fighting his way through the thorns -The prince she thanks for her life
  4. Rhinoz8142


    A question about Superconductor ''Explain why the development of higher temperture superconductor is of vital importance if the technology is to come into everyday use in society" Thanks :D
  5. Rhinoz8142

    Inverse Trigometric Function Question

    y = cos^-1 (cos) dy/dx = = -1/√1^2 - (cos x)^2 = -1/√1-cos^2 (x) = -1/√sin^2 (x) = (-1)^2 /(√sin^2 (x))^2 = 1/sin^2 (x) after this I got stuck.. please help
  6. Rhinoz8142

    Separation and Belonging

    What do you think is the relationship between separation from society and the sense of belonging..
  7. Rhinoz8142

    Could someone help me with a English Question (via inbox)

    May I inbox someone an English question...which I cannot figure out to do..
  8. Rhinoz8142

    clonal selection theory

    Could someone explain this theory to me
  9. Rhinoz8142

    Answer of the Questiom.

    Could someone assess me on this question... Evaluate the contribution of Pasteur and Koch to our understanding of infectious disease Pasteur's contribution towards the understanding of infectious disease was that he disproved the theory of spontaneous generation. Which people believed...
  10. Rhinoz8142

    An Introduction Help

    Could someone construct an introduction for me for this question How do the distinctively visual elements of the play impact on the play as a whole and the intended audience? Discuss this question in reference to The Shoe-Horn Sonata and at least TWO other related texts of your own...
  11. Rhinoz8142

    A question which I cant do..

    Could someone help me solve this question.. 'Using Koch as an example, describe the circumstances which resulted in a named organism being identified as the cause of a disease.''
  12. Rhinoz8142


    I am just studying types of Pathogens...I am just wondering how info do we must know about each Pathogen..
  13. Rhinoz8142

    Difference between Quanta and Photon

    Whats the difference between the Quanta and Photon...please refer to small packets of energy..
  14. Rhinoz8142

    Stock Broker

    Any Idea on becoming an Stock Broker...Which degree suitable for it.. I was thinking to do Business majoring in Finance.. Is it the right decision..
  15. Rhinoz8142

    Are cathode rays are electrons ?

    By the help of Maltase Cross Effects of Magnet and Electrical Plates And Light Paddles wheel can we conclusively say that the cathode rays are electrons, why ?
  16. Rhinoz8142


    Why does a transformer work on AC but not DC
  17. Rhinoz8142

    Series and their Applications

    For past HSC students, how do you manage to keep all the information for this topic...isnt it hard ? and how do you memories all the formulas ? Is it better to memories all the formulas or keep on practicing the past paper on these ?
  18. Rhinoz8142

    Ideas and Implementation

    I just started this topic and my question is that, is there a difference between an discharge tube and a cathode ray tube..or are they the same thing ??
  19. Rhinoz8142

    Slingshot question

    Explain why mission planners have only a relatively small window of opportunity for launch time when sending a spacecraft to a distant planet.
  20. Rhinoz8142

    Is anyone scared ?

    The HSC are just around the corner....I am fuckin scared... Any tips on studying the HSC ? I am a distance education I have to teacher to explain me anything.. Dose anyone know any method of studying for the PROPER WAY... My aim is to get at least more...