so check my reports and for english and two of my assessments have the wrong, each of them being lower than the actual mark i got . It affects my overall mark which affects my ranks . Its been a while after i got my half yearly report, but is it worth following up, would they say "nah too late...
Hey guys,
i'm in year 12, completing my HSC. I hear a cadetship is a very good opportunity for experience and earning money at the same time. However i don't really know much about "cadetships" are specifically. My questions are;1. Is it hard to get one ? 2. When is the earliest i can apply...
so i just my first round of assessments and i got so shit to what i expected:
physics: 70%
maths 2u: 49%
senior science: 78%
Standard english: 69%
I really really want a 90 ATAR but i just dont know precisely how much work i'd need, i know i need a lot but more precisely? how much amount...
so in year 11 (now just started yr 12) i hardly studied for year 11 ext 1 maths and managed to get over 60% for the tests thorughout the year. I also enjoy all the topics and understand it. however in term 3 i literally didn't do any homework and didnt study and scored 8/75 for my yearlies...