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  1. speedofsound

    Questionnare on apocalyptic fiction creating unnecessary fear in society

    Hey guys. The questionnare revolves around the title, if you could quickly bold your answer in these 12 questions for for me for my Society and Culture class, that would be great. There's a bit of reading in a few questions, but won't take more than a couple of minutes. Thank you. :) Final date...
  2. speedofsound

    What I will NOT miss about year 10

    Seeing as there's one for what we will miss... - MATHS!!!! And Science! - DRAMA. JESUS FUCK WORST/MOST INFURIATING SUBJECT EVER. - The uniform. And for some reason I'm drawing a blank at the moment...
  3. speedofsound

    So, how are marks determined?

    Just by how many you got right I'm assuming since each test was out of 100?
  4. speedofsound

    History MC

    Okay, what were the answers to these questions... :S 1) Said something like, what war did Australian participate in, in an United Nations combat against communism... was it Korea or Vietnam? I wrote Vietnam, but crossed it out and put Korea because I thought Vietnam was just the US... 2) The...
  5. speedofsound

    How would you define "sufficient detail"?

    One of my biggest problems with English is the amount of detail I right in my essays. Who else gets this: when you discuss your response in plenty of detail, you get told you're rambling too much, however when you write in less detail, you get told it's not enough. This has got to be one of my...
  6. speedofsound

    History question

    I'm just going over the Petrov Affair at the moment, and I'm unsure of why Petrov's defection caused such great uproar in Australia. Could someone please explain? :)
  7. speedofsound

    Senior uniforms

    Does your school have a different uniform for your senior years? If so, when are you allowed to start wearing it? We can wear it next term, but I don't wanna look to eager first day back. haha. But it's soo much nicer than the junior uniform.
  8. speedofsound

    Have most in your school gotten their preferred subjects?

    I'm still waiting for the lines to be released at my school, but just out of pure curiousity, did most at your school get the subjects they wanted? Also, how many lines does your school have? We have 6 line during our main 6 periods per day. Although an extra 2 for Maths and English extension...
  9. speedofsound

    So, do extension courses count as a part of the min. 12 units or not?

    I'm hearing different things from teachers and students at my school... say if you wanna do both Maths and English extension, some say they're not counted as a part of the minimum 12 we must do. Therefore, they'd end up with 14 units. But others say they do count towards the minimum 12, which...
  10. speedofsound

    How is dux of the year determined?

    I know in yr12 it's who has the highest UAI, but what about 7-11? Does it depend on how many subjects you come first in? Or...?
  11. speedofsound

    Does your school offer Society & Culture?

    Mine does, and I'm currently in year 10 and taking it next year. It sounds quite interesting, but I've noticed a lot of schools don't offer it.