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  1. PaterzAttack

    Coconut and Castor oil in Saponification

    Does anyone know their chemical structure/equation? I need them for a prac report on saponification but i can't find them anywhere
  2. PaterzAttack


    random thinking; do we get our papers back when they've been marked or not? we got trials back so do we get them back? or just our marks? or not even our marks, and just the certificate? also- we got told by teachers a while back that if you write about dark themes such as suicide, abuse...
  3. PaterzAttack


    have broken up! well, more specifically, Noel walked out cause he dun like his bro Oasis split 'a sad day' for music - News, Music - The Independent I actually thought they had already broken up..
  4. PaterzAttack

    Meeting Challenges

    Well, this is a unit we're doing in english and amongst the materials we have to analyse is a novel containing the theme of Meeting Challenges Immediately I thought of one of my favourite books, "The Phantom Tollbooth" but I can't find it. hehe... Umm, so wondering if anyone else knows of any...