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  1. jane1820


    i have a very important test tomorrow (to see if which level of maths we are allowed to do: std, adv or ext - im recommended for ext but if i fail i get dropped to std) n idk how to do these ive tried all the methods also every ai thing gives a different answer i need someone to explain them to...
  2. jane1820

    UNSW Gateway Program

    my school is making us apply for it n saying that only 12 students r eligiable for it, is this true? i thought u automatically get it if u graduate from a school that has the program also why 12 students? isnt that too little? did any of ur schools only give 12 students the program? 'This...
  3. jane1820

    My ipad is bent - help

    im actually so sad rn after i discovered my ipad is bent is there a place that fixes ipads without taking so much money (my ipad is 2020 8th gen grey) im actually gonna cry i need my ipad
  4. jane1820

    Should I change my subjects?

    My original subjects were: ext math, adv math, adv English, Arabic con, chemistry, physics, and modern. However, I ended up with: ext math, adv math, adv English, chemistry, physics, biology, and economics. Do you guys think I should change physics bio and eco to sac, modern and something else...
  5. jane1820

    how does scaling work?

    i need someone to explain everything to me in DETAILS bc i do not get it what are scaled, aligned, raw marks? how does your cohort affect u? why do u need to rank first? does the first person steal ur mark? n why? why r there some subjects that scale badly n some that dont? like everything...
  6. jane1820

    Is this true

    Is it true that if u live in a high socio-economical area u r automatically ineligible for uni scholarships regardless of ur grades? Every single scholarship (from various unis) that i have checked said that one requirement is to be living in a low socio-economical area (im just check...
  7. jane1820

    n award

    someone i know got n awarded for ext math (they submitted the work 2 days after - even tho it should be a week later an n award is issued) if they resolve that n award n drop the subject will it still go towards their hsc saying 'they had an n award but resolved it' or its like a fresh new page?
  8. jane1820

    exothermic or endothermic?

    if the test tube gets hotter is it exothermic or endothermic? bc if u think abt it logically it would be endo since it is absorbing heat causing the test tube to get hotter but an exo is releasing heat causing the test tube to get colder is it not? i googled n it gave exo but it doesnt click...
  9. jane1820

    top 120 school vs bottom 200 school

    for people who went to a high ranked school and those who went to a bottom school can each one write their own experiences in the school (cohort performance, ranks, what you did to lock in, did you lock in, were people actually studying, was it hard regardless of the schools rank, etc. - idk if...
  10. jane1820

    Please help im really stuck

    i got an offer at a 120 ranked school and i currently attend a 400-something ranked school im not really encouraged to move there but there are some pros and cons; please help me decide what school i should choose pros: better scaled obviously better resources they offer 5/6 of the subjects...
  11. jane1820

    English studies

    Im doing so bad in yr 10 eng (i just finished my 3hr cry over english) to an extent im considering doing english studies any comments? tbh my deputy will NOT let me do this subject due to me being ‘a selective student’ but screw what she thinks im deadass struggling so much w yr 10 eng which...
  12. jane1820

    should i appeal to sgghs?

    i havent gotten my email yet but im 100% sure im rejected bc i didnt get an interview anyways my semester 1 marks werent great due to personal reasons (i was kinda depressed - im gonna include this in the appeal but thats not the focus rn) n i understand why they didnt take me (i did 6 subjects...
  13. jane1820

    help me choose a laptop

    recommend me laptops with good storage and RAM preferably microsoft or hp also can you guys plz say why u choose the laptop and if u have used it before? i saw a lot of ppl recommend macbook airs but i want a non biased opinion want to use it for yrs 11-12 (might be shared between the family...
  14. jane1820

    digital notes or handwritten?

    for me science and math definitely handwritten notes but do u guys think digital notes for history - modern and english is useful? or am i just better writing/highlighting? i have my yearlies in week 3 and im trying new methods of studying to practise for senior yrs (not 'too' worried abt yr 10 atm)
  15. jane1820

    Subject selection help :(

    Whats the scaling for Investigating science and is the subject worth it/’fun’? Also is it hard? Plz i need to know the scaling for investigating its Important
  16. jane1820

    Advanced english notes help

    How does one write/create notes for english? Like how does that generally work? I never study for english bc i dont know what/how to study for it for my half yearlies (macbeth - act 1 odd scenes) i just really studied in details the scenes and understood them and analysed some techniques but...
  17. jane1820

    90+ atar and first rank without tutoring?

    Is it possible?
  18. jane1820

    Aeronautic engineering

    I do STEM as an elective at my skl n have a yearly exam coming up In the yearly exam i will be tested abt aeronautical engineering n i dont understand it at all Like bernoullis law, angle of attack, weight = lift = drag = thrust and all that basically i get it (not fully understand and or apply...
  19. jane1820

    Study schedules

    How does one make one that they will stick with and not ignore? i have noticed notion doesnt work for me and its pretty useless i uses calendar on my ipad to set for assignments/tests and set it to ‘remind me in two days’ but it doesnt motivate me, just reminds me of something i already...
  20. jane1820

    Year 10 5.3: the sine rule for angles

    i dont get why the answer for 5.a. says that theta can be either 75 degrees or 117 degrees when the question specified that the angle is acute? i understand the ASTC rule which is: since sine is positive it can either be A (the angle itself) or S 180 - the angle but i dont understand how the S...