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  1. super.muppy

    A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer?

    can someone please describe a day in a life of a civil engineer. is it really boring???
  2. super.muppy


    why does concrete have high compressive strength and low tensile strength? got test tomorrow STRESS
  3. super.muppy

    chem & phys tutor?

    Is there any tutor that is actually worth the money in terms of science im looking at the under 700 dollars a term ANd does anyone happen to have any engineering notes for prelim plz post and ty ty
  4. super.muppy

    School ranks?

    does anyone noe the site for the school ranks of all the schools TY
  5. super.muppy

    ub3r maths

    (9^x - 4^x)/(9^x + 6^x) simplify plz and really thank you u made my day
  6. super.muppy

    school ranks? + absolute vaules

    can someone post up the school ranks :drink: and prove |a+b| smaller or equal to |a|+|b| for all real a,b :hammer::hammer: Ty
  7. super.muppy

    simple chem

    identify 2 examples of: a) elements essential for plant life b) elements essential for animal life c) compounds essential for plant life d) compounds essential for animal life but u cant use carbon LOLS...
  8. super.muppy

    maths again

    a certain tank can b filled by 2 pipes in 80 mins. The larger pipe itself can fill the tank in 2 hrs less than the smaller pipe by itself . How long does each pipe take to fill the tank on its own. Two trains each make a journey of 330 km. One of the trains travel 5 km/h faster than the other...
  9. super.muppy

    LOLS me again

    someone please do (t-2)^3+(t+2)^3 Factor as fully as possible I really did try TY in advance
  10. super.muppy

    ANOTHER Question PHYSics this time lols

    find da lenghts of x and y plus working out plz lols please have a go if u noe plz thanks i tried for a long time srsly:hammer:
  11. super.muppy


    yea sorry but im new to this extension stuff so im noob but i really tried anyways: Use mathematical induction to prove that for all positive integers n: (a) 1^2+2^2+3^2+...+ N^2 = (1/6)n(n+1)(2n+1) show working and plz briefly explain thanks to whoever dat tries
  12. super.muppy

    Lols Question (maths)

    Factorise x^6-1 first as (x^3)^2-1, then go on similarly factor: x^8 - a^8, x^10-1 and one more by expressing x as (root x)^2 and y as (root y)^2, factor (x^3/2)-(y^3/2) show working plz thanks
  13. super.muppy

    2007 sc

    could someone plz post up an answer to question 50 on da 2007 English school certificate i need a model answer
  14. super.muppy


    i need to write a monologue for a character based on some crazy philosophical ideas 600-800 words. does any one have a monologue dats i can c i jst need to get an idea of the structure of a monologue and btw wats da difference between monologue and a soliloquy.
  15. super.muppy

    urgent hlp PLZPLZPLZ

    how do u do question 66 and 49 urgent racing a friend show ur working out
  16. super.muppy

    how do u find ur school ranks?

  17. super.muppy

    help plz again

    what is the maximum value of the function y=15-(x-4)^2 and for wat value does it occur? how do u do dat i dnt even understand it
  18. super.muppy

    expensive? my tutor fees including various discounts is dat expensive i also want to do chemistry tutor
  19. super.muppy


    a question from da one of the school certificates: Micheal won $240. 'He donated Picture of his winnings to charity.' He divided the remainder between his savings and his investment account in the ratio 3:5 How much will he deposit in his savings account? (A) $30 (b) $60 (C) $90 (D) $100 and...