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  1. S

    Can I get 99+ ATAR?

    Hey guys, I know that the majority of people say that subjects are irrelevant to the ATAR you achieve, but I am still slightly confused. I was wondering whether or not I could attain an ATAR of 99+ with the following subjects and ranks? - Advanced English - Rank: 1/25 - Extension 1...
  2. S

    Does arranging your study table in a certain way influence the efficiency of work

    "Does arranging or organising your study table in a certain manner influnece or increase your concentration or efficiency of your work?" Some people say, "Clean study table = clean mind" ? What's your view on this? If you have any tips on how to organise your study table to obtain optimal...
  3. S

    What should I DO???????????!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, What should I do? My Advanced English teacher is being completely biased and unfair! He's awarded me a mark which I should NOT deserve as per feedback from other teachers, who mark the HSC!! He has even awarded more marks to students, whose essays were not as cohorent...
  4. S

    Who's is genuinely SCARED about the HSC??

    Hey guys, So, there are 262 days left for the examination that ultimately determines which course we gain admission in and our future! Who is actually GENUINELY SCARED about the HSC?? and why so??
  5. S

    Tips for Advanced and Extension English

    Wanted to ask canditates of last year's HSC their impression about the Advanced English and Extension English paper? Personally,after having a brief look at the paper, I felt that it was quite staright-forward. Probably means that our paper (HSC2012) is going to be harder! One more question...
  6. S

    Effective study skills!

    Hey all BOS-ers!! Would anybody recommend some effective study tips? Does the way you arrange your desk prompt you to study in a certain manner, does it determine how much you study? How do you concentrate longer? REALLY need some EFFECTIVE study tips by successful HSC candidates from past...
  7. S

    Medicine - UMAT and interview

    How hard is the UMAT and how hard is the Medicine university interview! I have practiced some sample UMAT papers, and so far have achieved 90+. What is the cutt off of UMAT scores to gain admission into Medicine? UNSYD UNSW and UWS
  8. S

    Interested in Tutoring after my HSC!

    Hey all, I am planning to start tutoring Year 11 and year 12 students from 2012 December or 2013 onwards!! I will tutor the following subjects: Ancient History Advanced English Extension 1 and 2 English Biology Chemistry Music (if possible) So far, my prelim marks for my subjects are:-...