So Im starting a BA/BSc at usyd this year. I got back from overseas 2 days before uni started.
Because I was overseas, I had no access to any of the course handbooks, any of the enrollment guides, I couldnt talk to any course/subject advisors, so my mum ended up rolling me into all my 1st and...
spent all day at work hearing about how good the new Inglorious Bastards movie is, that just came out on dvd last week
then i went to the video shop on my way home to hire it out and all 24 copies were out on loan. at like 6:40pm
So for BIOL1002 (principles of ecology) we had 6 asssessments throughout the semester (including mid-semester exam and final exam). my marks and weighting turned out like this:
Assessment 1 - ?/20
Assessment 2 - 4/5
Assessment 3 - 6/10
Assessment 4 - 18/15
Assessment 5 - 5/5
Assessment 6...
going for a run at like 6pm, a girl triped over a dog, face-dived into a pole, and there was blood everywhere + SHE WAS CONVULSOING. i'm not joking it was fucked; had to call an ambulance so fucking scary.
post more when more sober.
I have a really blocked nose, about an hour ago i just had some drixine but it didnt really help. is it safe for me to take some sudafed pe right now? or do i have to wait until the drixine is out of my system?
trying to study for my last exam.. this is stressin me so much!
At Byron this schoolies, does anybody have a rough idea what the average cost of various drinks are? E.g. Schooners at the pubs, at the clubs, and cases at the bottle-o's??
It would be sick if we got a list going.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows generally how long it takes to recover after an operation in which you are under general anesthetic (i.e. you are artificially asleep). Also, while you are recovering, what is it like?
The reason i'm asking, is that my dad's booked me in to have all 4 of my...
With virtually all of the humanities, arts, and maths out of the way now, its time to start concentrating on the hardest subjects that really count - the SCIENCES. Prehaps you could say that finally the HSC is actually about to begin now.
Over the next two weeks, the most intelligent students...
Today in paper 2, a boy in our year was caught cheating in the advanced exam.
He had gotten hold of some of the yellow writing booklets (presumebly took them from the AOS exam?), had pre-written his essays on them, and had taken them into today's exam under his blazer, and while everybody else...
A particle is projected at an angle of 45° and a velocity of 15ms^-1. Without neglecting air resistance (13.5Ω), and taking g as 9.8ms^-2