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  1. J

    Messy handwriting

    I noticed the other day that my handwriting when i'm going fast is actually pretty messy.. Especially in the english exams, as well as history, music, economics, etc. (exams with essays) where people will probably be writing very fast - to what extent will the markers accept/mark messy...
  2. J

    How many booklets did you use?

  3. J

    Order of sections?

    What order did you attempt the sections? I did 1/2 of section I, then went onto section III, then did section II, and then finished section I. Finished with about 2 mintues to spare.
  4. J

    Brain = Fried

    I did 4 continuous hours, 30 minutes break, 5 continuous hours of english today. my arm feels like its going to fall off, i have a migrane, i cant concentrate on anything, i cant write, cant spell, cant think. and i nearly crashed the car driving home for the library. fuck this.
  5. J

    Time division

    2 Hour exam: for me... Section I: 20mins Section II: 25mins Section III: 1hr 15mins
  6. J

    Fisher library

    Was anyone there today/ is anyone going tomorrow?
  7. J

    Leave an exam early?

    I have never done it. Never will. (not even that computing test back in the SC)
  8. J

    2008 Earth & Environmental Science Marathon

    Hey everyone, over the last couple of days there's been a bit of activity in this neck of the woods, so might as well get a marathon going. This game is fun! How To Play The first person asks an E&ES question. The next person answers it then posts another question for the next person then so...
  9. J

    Induced Currents (question)

    These two questions are taken from DotPoint, from the Motors & Generators chapter. The answers at the back of the book for (a) and (d) are X to Y and X to Y respectively (i.e. they are both X to Y). But i get Y to X for both, when i try to solve it. Can someone please EXPLAIN to me why its X to...
  10. J

    Scenario: HSC Starts tomorrow?

    What would you do if by some amazing glitch the HSC started tomorrow? Would you be ready for AOS? could you do it (all subjects in general)??
  11. J

    Oh My God Sight Singing!

    Performance is tomorrow, I'm virtually fine for all my pieces - but i just realised how un-prepared I am for sight singing! I sort of forgot about it. I mean, i've always known that we've had to do it at the back of my mind, but i have barely practiced it. And at 12pm today it dawned on me that...
  12. J

    11 Units

    Yes, this is a stupid question, and i know i should know - BUT!: How is the UAI calculated across 11 units?? i mean, i understand that if you have 12, one subject (the one you recieved the least marks in) is not counted. But what is the scenario when you only have 11? Example: I take the...
  13. J

    Performance driving q

    Double-clutching on the downchange is better for your synchro even if it does have synchromeshing right? like, i've noticed on my mum's GLi jazz that the synchro is stuffing up a bit lately. shes had the car for 3 years and she drives pretty averagely.. (i.e., most of the time the revs are...