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  1. Omium


    The Thread for ALL FIRST YEAR RELATED QUESTIONS. This thread is intended for ALL first year related questions. Ask it in here and people will try answer it :)
  2. Omium

    Customer Annoyingness as a function of time

    1) When a customer is born, They become approximately linearly annoying untill they plateau at around age 40-50. 2) After around age 50, customers become too obese and lazy to complain so they gradually become "kinder" and more appreciative. 3) The phase of becomming more appreciative...
  3. Omium

    What is your current Ring Tone.

    The OC theme song.
  4. Omium

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    Once again i have stolen this idea off another BoS user. In this thread, specify books you would like to sell or buy and for how much. You can then private message or continue your conversations about buying/selling details in this thread. I have the MATH1131 9th edition (or 7th edition)...
  5. Omium

    UNSW Food Guide

    This is a general UNSW guide to all things concerning food on campus. This guide is largely meant to undercut Omie Jay's original food thread. :) KFC / Subway / Mcdonalds / Oporto's Upper Campus (Located near library) There are numerous places you can eat : 1) Thai...
  6. Omium

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Mysteries Myth 1) There are no secret soceities. To the 08'ers, we recruit during 0-week, We have access to all your personal information we know everything about you. Don't try find us, we'll find you.
  7. Omium

    UNSW student shoots UNSW student (5 years ago)

    An older thread about this was closed, but meh. Foreign student shot dead - National - NOTE: This is 5 years ago. Wonder what happened to her? :confused:
  8. Omium

    Fastest Way to University Lecturing position?

    Ive recently dropped from Engineering / Science To Science. Im hoping to become a university lecturer or similar, Should i do my science degree, then honours then PHD? Or, Do a Science/Education Degree and then continue with the science honours and PHD? would the education degree...
  9. Omium

    Dad throws 4 year old daughter off bridge

    Bridge accused unfit to face court | The Daily Telegraph
  10. Omium

    Guide to PICKING UP first years.

    This Thread has been inspired by. So how do we "pick up" first years. Discuss.
  11. Omium

    Is The Daily Telegraph the worst newspaper in Australia?

    I mean cmon man. UFO sees Obama become President | The Daily Telegraph Alien contact covered up, says Apollo veteran Edgar Mitchell | The Daily Telegraph For lulz look at the poll results.
  12. Omium

    First Year Guide to Picking Electives

    Most engineers need to pick at LEAST 2 electives for first year, I've decided to create a thread so that students will be able to make a more informed decision on what subjects they should pick. VERY IMPORTANT : I have only done a handful of electives, please help me fill this list...
  13. Omium

    Favourite Lecturer / Tutor ?

    Try and include links to pictures if you can. My Favourite is my Summer session Physics Lecturer His name is Alex Von Brasch. Awesome lecturer, he is also Dirk Nowitskis third cousin (NBA basketball player) I Cant find a Picture of him anywhere so ill just post a link to a...
  14. Omium

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Maths

    Ok I've decided to create an ultimate thread for First year Mathematics, I'm hoping this will help future students in their first year maths Studying in this Course 1) First year maths content is somewhat similar to 3unit Mathematics and 4unit Mathematics, However if you did 3unit math or...
  15. Omium

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Physics

    Ok I've decided to create an ultimate thread for First year Physics, A large part of this is from my earlier thread. I'm hoping this will help future students in their first year physics courses as me and my friends received quite a shock from first year physics. Studying in this Course 1) Do...
  16. Omium

    Toddler art fools gallery

    Art gallery fooled by toddler's work
  17. Omium

    University Medal / Award.

    Ok im just wondering what WAM is needed for ANY award / medal at the end of the graduation. Im currently on WAM on 80.1, i know this is nowhere near enough for anything but im just wondering how high should my WAM be if i were to aim for an award / medal. (If anyone says 90 ill have...
  18. Omium

    Toddler trapped in Claw-Game Machine
  19. Omium


    I clocked the exact time it took for the bus to travel from eddy avenue to UNSW. And then from UNSW to eddy avenue. From Eddy Avenue to UNSW : 12mins 53 sec From UNSW to Eddy Avenue: 10mins 06 sec Whats your time?
  20. Omium

    What is your ultimate UNSW uni fantasy

    Mine is to play hide and seek with 10-20 friends ALL over the uni. I promise, before i finish my degree.... this WILL happen. Any others.