where can we get CPI inflation figures per quarterly
e.g. 1 % march 1 % june 1 % september 1 % december total 4 % for that year
btw ive tried RBA and ABS but I can't seem to extract the useful stuff :mad1:
same deal for GDP figures.
thanks for help
I'm planning to do a double degree with commerce and something else and just wondering what combinations are actually available? Just say I want to do commerce with an IT degree which one would that come under com/engineering or com/science??? And is the commerce degree any good (as in good...
Is there a double degree or combined degree with business and IT and how long is it. Also are there any scholarships available for it. BTW looked in the undergrad book but can't seem to find the exact course???
Thanks a lot :)</SPAN>
Is there a double degree or combined degree with business and IT and how long is it. Also are there any scholarships available for it. BTW looked in the undergrad book but can't seem to find the exact course???
Thanks a lot :)</SPAN>
Is there a double degree or combined degree with business and IT and how long is it. Also are there any scholarships available for it. BTW looked in the undergrad book but can't seem to find the exact course???
Thanks a lot :)</SPAN>
just wondering about scaling/moderation of some of my subs. ok so if i come average in a high scaling subject e.g 50/100 in chemistry and come top in a low scaling subject e.g. 1/20 legal studies which subject would most likely count assuming all of my other subjects are the same and the same...
more specifically in maths exams how do you stop making stupid mistakes. like i know everything and i know i can get high marks if not full but these stupid mistakes keep holding me back and its really frustrating :spzz:. anyone got tips on how to not screw up........
Is there any website out there which contains all doubles degrees offered by universities. In specific UNSW?? If so could you post a link here pleae :)
thx in advance
Most if not all subjects are basically just a memory game. You memorize stuff which you need to know and then just regurgitate it onto the examination paper. In other words if you got a good memory you will do good. This is my opinion so don't flame me :mad1:.
Would anyone mind explaining to me how to properly use the t - formulae, auxilary method and general solutions. I have a general idea of how to use them but sometimes my answers don't match the answers wahhh...
Step by step method would be nice. :mad1::spzz
Cheers guys:headbang:
Just a quick question (hopefully).
3tanx - 2cotx + 3 secx = 0
3tanx/1 - 2/tanx + 3/cosx = 0
skip a few steps...
(4sin^2x + 3sinx - 2)/(sinxcosx) = 0
I know you cant get rid of sinxcosx but how do you solve it otherwise. I tried getting rid of sinxcosx but it gets...
So how do we change any angle to its related first quadrant angle. e.g. 250 to related first quadrant angle. I learnt the ASTC rule but don't know how to apply it to do this lol.
thx for help
How come no one ever posts in the tutoring section?? Anyway maybe we should make a list of what each tutoring place is actually like (including private tutors). Stuff how much it costs, how many people in class, what subjects its good for, methods or teaching i.e. in workbooks and stuff etc...
what textbook does your school use for MX1 and anyone recommend a good study guide i.e. shows how to do things e.g. drawing graphs etc...
thanks in advance
whos been mugged before and how bad was it, teacher at school told us little year 7 and 8 kids being mugged, seriously like how many little kids you see going round with more than $5 (btw i almost got mugged 2 years ago but wasnt that bad)</SPAN>