Search results

  1. iRuler

    Mobile version of BoS?

    Will we ever see a Mobile/iPhone version of BoS?
  2. iRuler

    Software Engineering vs. IT

    Software Engeering @ UNSW B. Sc. (IT) @ UTS B. IT @ USYD Just vote on anything.
  3. iRuler

    Business Studies Question 26 - 2007

    If anyone has an answer to this question, could they please upload it? I thought I did, but realised I had the 2007 edition of success one, which only had up to 2006 :( I'll be grateful.
  4. iRuler

    Commerce/Business Degree

    Just a question, are the following 2 degrees pretty much similar? B.Com/B.IT @ USYD Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Commerce - Faculty of Economics and Business - The University of Sydney B.Bus/B.Sc (IT) @ UTS UTS: Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in Information...
  5. iRuler

    2009 HSC School Rankings

    Here's a file of the 2009 HSC School Rankings. This is for everyone who cant find this or cant be bothered, either way, I found this on BOS as well, but it's here for your reference.
  6. iRuler

    University Dilemma

    Hello there, I would just like some advice regarding the following degrees: Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology @ UTS Handbook for the course Well firstly, i cant seem to find a major for web development such as web languages, can anyone please help, it's...
  7. iRuler

    PC Fanbois

    Would you ever turn into this: for this: Apple - MacBook Pro - Meet the new MacBook Pro family.
  8. iRuler

    TPG Bundle Plan

    TPG Home Phone - Cheapest Phone Line Rental Plans would you get it?
  9. iRuler

    Class of 2010, what is your Ideal Income

    What income will you be happy with? and be realistic. --- Me: $ 1 mil AUD a month now you. --- EDIT: Others please feel free to post your Ideal income, or the Income you would be happy with first year out of uni. EDIT 2: I think 150k a year would be nice.
  10. iRuler

    Sunshine Premium

    Anyone know hwere to get this Orange Juice called "Sunshine premium"? havnt found it an any shop i've been to :(
  11. iRuler

    2006 Question 18 - Space

    An object is stationary in space and located at a distance 10 000 km from the centre of a certain planet. It is found that 1.0 MJ of work needs to be done to move the object to a stationary point 20 000 km from the centre of the planet. Calculate how much more work needs to be done to move the...
  12. iRuler


    How many hours of sleep do you get on: 1. Average School day 2. Weekend 3. Holidays 4. Hoping to get after HSC Me: As for me, Average = 6, weekend = 9, holidays = 7, after HSC = 12-14 hours a day! :angry:
  13. iRuler

    Biggest Distractions?

    Mine: BoS MSN Internet :angry: How about yours?
  14. iRuler

    BOS Admins --> BOS Error

    Not sure if this is the right forum, but is it possible to somehow fix the following error that randomly appears sometimes: followed by the following message on the page Its getting worse for me each day. Not sure if its the same with others, but if it can be fixed, would be great.
  15. iRuler

    HSC Countdown Timer

    Any1 here smart enough to make a countdown timer for HSC 2010, exactly like the following: This is like over 5 years old. Lets take it that exams start 14th October 2010. Thanks :) Edit: Makdaddy has been kind enough to make...
  16. iRuler


    Who here will be undertaking the UMAT? Are you interested in Med. if you're undertaking it? For me I might, but im not interested in med (atm anyway)
  17. iRuler

    Subject you like/dislike most?

    Like: Chemistry Dislike: Physics What about you? Feel free to add a list, from best to worst if you wish.
  18. iRuler

    Hours of Study Per Day do you do?

    How many hours of study do you do per day? Curious. Also, do you use a timetable? Edit: making notes counts as studying.
  19. iRuler

    iTunes error 1013 on iPhone upgrade from 2.2.1 to 3.0.1

    Hi There, I have an issue with my iPhone, its an iPhone3G about 1 year old. I went for an upgrade from firmware version 2.2.1 to 3.0.1 about 2 days ago. Connected to itunes, came up with a thing to back-up, pressed yes, did the backup fine. After that I clicked the update button and it went...
  20. iRuler

    Urgent Question regarding the contribution of Year 11 maths towards HSC

    My Maths teacher was saying something about 30% of year 11 maths counts towards the HSC Is this true? OR Can 30% of the work we do in year be tested in the HSC? please any comments Thanks!