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  1. Huratio

    UTS - Semester 1 2007 Guestimates + Official Results thread (Out Now!)

    UPDATE: University Results are out on MyStudentAdmin AND the UTS Results Hotline: 1300 656 887 _____ AUTUMN SEMESTER 1, 2007 RESULTS - WEDNESDAY, 18th July 2007: Long way away.. but FYI. Please post your results under your guestimates if possible. Wed 18th July - Autumn Semester 1 2007...
  2. Huratio

    B of Business - Accounting for Business [22107]

    Rormonor requested that I post the previous semester Mid-Semester Pre-Released Questions in the Secks thread. I'm posting here instead as everyone can have easy access to it =] Use this thread for general Accounting for Business (22107) questions, answers and discussion too. These questions...
  3. Huratio

    Removing spyware?

    Well firstly my computer has been plagued with horrible pop-up ads which come up like everytime I go to any website. Using full system scans via Norton Internet Security and Windows Defender (worth a try), they came up with nothing. So I did one of those online virus/spyware scans which...
  4. Huratio

    UTS has uploaded their textlists on the Co-op Bookshop Website

    For the 1st Semester, 2007. Mine all work. Enjoy =)
  5. Huratio

    O-Week and Gym Prices...

    A bit of news.. "Corporate stalls will invade orientation week"... Didn't they already invade them? Last year I remember Apple and Un-wired stalls (advertising their products), Commbank...
  6. Huratio

    UTS - Semester 2 2006 Official Results thread + Predictions (Wed 20th Dec)

    Wednesday 20th Dec - Spring semester results released - A quote from the last semester's thread by jasee (this information should apply for this semester): I know it is a long time to go (about 22 days in fact) and some exams...
  7. Huratio

    UTS - The ugliest bit of Sydney's urban landscape? UTS is currently leading with 23% of 4717 Votes =/ Not much of a surprise though..
  8. Huratio

    Spring 2006 Examinations Timetable

    The Spring 2006 Provisional Examination Timetable will be available on Friday 6 October 2006 (zomg tomorrow!) >>
  9. Huratio

    Unallocated Credit

    Does anyone have unallocated credit of $174.00 on their tax invoice? I rang up the student admin services and they said I could allocated that credit to one of my subjects and essentially pay less.. I still don't get it though, because I thought that $174 was for this semesters union...
  10. Huratio

    Internal Transfers

    Internal Transfers (Autumn 2006) Internal Transfers Application Results are available (as at 5pm 25/07/06): Information at: ___ My Results: Successful...
  11. Huratio

    Transfering courses mid-year

    Can you transfer courses mid year, marks from your semester 1 results used with your hsc marks? Someone told me you can, I'm just going to ask here before consulting subject co-ordinators. Huratio.
  12. Huratio

    UTS Fitness Club

    Just a query on the fitness club, what happened last year? One of the booklets for first years in the o-week showbag said that if you joined the fitness club in march or august (i think they are right) that you get a free month of membership. Is that true? My cousin who graduated a couple...
  13. Huratio

    Bradfield IPT lecture 30/09/05

    i'll be there, and i think joe will be there as well. @ Bradfield college in crows nest on this friday anyone else i might know here going?
  14. Huratio

    CSSA Trial 2005

    Now 6 days till the IPT trial exam for those who are doing the CSSA trials... Good luck to all!! Feel free to post comments here after, about the exam etc. I'll be here after the trials posting about those crappy questions in which i encountered... -Huratio
  15. Huratio

    Workplace LCMD Thread

    ** I have graduated from high school, but I will continue to maintain this thread. If you believe something important should be added, feel free to PM me with the changes or additions you want to recommend. Thx -Huratio. EDIT (31/03/06): Microsoft Word Document Available. See Below. Hi, this...
  16. Huratio


    I have read numerous articles on it and I still don't get podcasting. Could someone reply to a definition of podcasting in simple english...?
  17. Huratio

    Leading Edge Seminars

    hey all, i'm wondering if the holiday seminars led by leading edge that good.. i've got like an exam technique and a topic review one next holidays.. and i'm interested if I am paying good money for it .. thx...
  18. Huratio

    Pre-trial Seminars

    Are any of u going to pre-trial seminars. I booked on a couple of months ago... i'm just interested... the site is at: Macq uni enrichment seminar for IPT...
  19. Huratio

    Workplace Revisited

    What the hell happened to my 'workplace' thread before... here's a rejuvination...
  20. Huratio

    Super 12

    i'm suprised that my union thread i made like last year is somewhere near the bottom... a revival.. not even half way into the season.. and the warratahs are ahead. it may be the year that NSW take the super12.. mat rogers and justin harrison back for this weekend.!