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    Yeah, it may be lame but from the directors previous movies I guess it can't be worst than any other video game-to-film transition. Alone in the Dark was just stupid.
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    Ong Bak

    Thai Kickboxing.
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    Bad Dates

    I'm me.
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    Sydney Motor Show 2005

    Those cars are absolutely horrific, maybe in the artic or jungle they could camoflage their rides.
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    Do you have to be a chick to get a job at Sportsgirl?

    They would hire guys but they would always hold a preference for females because they have a better understanding of womens clothes. BUt theres nothing stopping a guy from working there really...
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    Dumped for not saying "i love you"

    ahh I misread the post, but everything else I've said still applies.
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    Best foreplay?

    *whips out the ice and prepares for the summer lovin'*
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    golden key stuff

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    ORGASMS - faking it, etc

    Used up my store? How many times did you guys go at it that day? :rolleyes:
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    golden key stuff

    *Shows off his Wooden-Key Society certificate with pride*
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    Dumped for not saying "i love you"

    You thought it was best not to lie yet didnt you say you didn't feel that you loved him so early into the relationship? So instead you gave him a kiss and said I love You when you didnt mean it. In other words you lied. You can't rely on internet forums to get you through life. You had a...
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    Movie Trailers 30 Second Films Reinacted by Bunnies - Including Pulp Fiction, The Exocist, The Shining, Freddy vs Jason, Alien, Jaws, Titanic, War of the Worlds,...
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    Are you TV addicted person?:)

    YES and YES Monday: The Biggest Loser, Frasier, Cricket, News, Mythbusters, 24, South Park (sometimes), Temptation, Numbers, Cold Case (sometimes), Greys Anatomy (someimtes). Tuesday: CSI and CSI:Miami/NY, Rove Live (sometimes), The Apprentice, Brainiac (sometimes), Frasier (90...
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    transfer options

    Refer to General > Transfers > On the subject of transfers This threa will guide you as to how you can transfer and wht marks they take. In short, your given a selection ranking based on both your GPA and UAI. UAC is the only option now and you have to pay the late fee, or you can apply...
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    Is there anyone currently doing the GLP?

    The stalkers are evolving ....
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    Is there anyone currently doing the GLP?

    Lets see if we can reserve a BOS-GLP table :D
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    Is there anyone currently doing the GLP?

    Yeah. :( I wish I had evening classes :P
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    Best foreplay?

    Is it true what they say about Jewish foreplay?
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    Is there anyone currently doing the GLP?

    Well it is compulsory for GLP students :|
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    Anyone currently playing the "studentshares" game?

    Ahhh I see. Too bad :P With all the worries of the possible pandemic and outbreak of bird flu Biota really soared (40c to $2). I really know nothing about the share market *shrug*