It was expected besides the very end when she didn't die. (I guess you've spoiled it for those who havent watched but taped it or planned to d/l it).
Would seem odd now with no female supporting actress in the show besides coffin-sleeping-blood-drinking goth girl.
BRW Investment : Is this what you are talking about?
The sign up date was by yesterday 19th (@12 Midnight)
Yes you pay $10.
No. I'm not playing, why would I pay $10 to spend 30minutes setting up a portfolio and waiting a whole year to see my results.
Are those Universities offered?
I wouldnt mind Canada or Norway. (University of British Columbia/Toronto, and University of Oslo)
However, Nanyang Technological University Singapore seems to suit my degree.
He does seem quite unstable. I'm interested why he didn't follow through with his suicide threat from the previous rejection.
Its quite low of him to ask someone drunk out. You need to talk to him though and sort everything out so that he understands the situation but don't be too harsh in a...
Yum. Then we'll go after the wallabies.
I saw Mike in the comp labs and he saw me but he quickly shifted his eyes back onto the computer screen. At least I thought it was him.
A general BScience degree would be best as it allows you to do any science subject. However I found out recently that Macquarie University are removing their MedScience Anatomy subject which is equivalent to the Chiro Anatomy subject, so there may be some difficulty in completing that in your...
You could do a regular BScience degree with the same subjects as Chiros students do first year and then transfer. BUt of course there are grade rquirements.