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  1. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    Do i detect a hint of sarcasm in that reply?? :p :p
  2. Lazy


    Well its a thin long black one with a metallic kinda white/silver colour on the buckle. And as far as i know it dosent have a name :) I think you are too ;)
  3. Lazy

    do any of you take days off?

    How bout you mind your own buisness Luigi :D Besides shes already shot me down once:p
  4. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    Oh yeah the rules Ill give you that one, the rules at our school are a load of shit that rarely make any sense. Thats something i definitley WONT miss :D
  5. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    Well after 6 years im kinda used to the uniform, hell i barely realise when im wearing a tie these days, and although ill be glad to get away from some of my teachers (welshy if you ever read this id just like to let you know that your a faggot and im going to run you down with my car one day :p...
  6. Lazy


    Nah its black actually :p Goes well with my grey pants :cool: PS: Me too ;)
  7. Lazy

    Is Pe fucked?

    Yeah we did a bit of that too while we were doing that core. But although it was good(and im not complaing) running flat chat for 3km is not what i call entertaining :p :p
  8. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    Thankyou mannnnndy, Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. I can sleep easy tonight with the knowledge that SOMEONE hates power rangers as much as me :D And i also find it disturbing that a 17?? 18?? year old is still entranced by a...
  9. Lazy

    Graduating High School

    Everbodys always telling me that we'll look back on these days as the best of our life, and im starting to believe it. I mean when else in your life will you be constantly surrounded by friends 5 days a week? I think thats what ill miss most from leaving school, having all your friends...
  10. Lazy


    I thought i might like to get in on this stupid arse thread so....................... I wear a belt :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  11. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    My god!! Am i the only sane person left on this planet!! The acting is worse then bad, the plot is pathetic, and the whole show is a joke! The power rangers suck and thats all there is to it!! Is there anybody else out there that agrees with me?? Please, back me up
  12. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    Power rangers wasnt really a cartoon show though (in my opinion) and absolutley gave me the shits! A bunch of wankers running around fighting transformers in stupid colour cordinated suits??? To the creators, performers and watchers of that show i have only one thing to say: Shame Shame...
  13. Lazy


    I have no idea what this has got to do with orange :o but thats ok because i dont really care :p And i prefer my name to be a simple one worder, easier for all those half wits out there to remember :p But lasy @ss does have a nice ring to it...................
  14. Lazy

    Your Studies of Religion class

    At our school its compulsory for everyone to do SOR :mad: Our classes are big (bout 30 in each) and are an absolute joke. While we were doing aboriginal spirituality anything our teacher said would result in more racist calls then you could poke a stick at. Then we'd all get side tracked on...
  15. Lazy


    :) :) actually i was under the impression that it meant "not applicable" :p So now i know :D
  16. Lazy


    Never mind, just foolong around :p So whats the go with n/a anyway?
  17. Lazy

    do any of you take days off?

    As much as i agree with you lazychic (after my the HSC im going to be in a permanent alcoholic fog for as long as possible) you just bagged out one of my favourite pastimes. :D I expected more from a gal with such an illustrious name :p
  18. Lazy

    favourite song at the moment.

    My hard drives 40gb and 10 gig of that is mp3's. Does anyone know who sings "house of the rising sun"?
  19. Lazy

    graduation songs- HELP!!

    Whats that song that goes: "I cant wait to get out of this place...." Thats a goer i reckon
  20. Lazy

    Is Pe fucked?

    Man you guys are lucky to ba able to do that much!! The last lesson we went outside to do something was over 4 MONTHS AGO. now thats just fuckin wrong :mad: