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  1. Lazy

    It's a Crime..!!

    Yeah our teacher was a marker too and he reckons the chances of it coming up are virtually none. (please do not quote me on that :p )
  2. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    Was gummi bears the one where they drank magic potions and bounced around everywhere?? Cause that show was AWESOME :D
  3. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    Really???:eek: I could have sworn i watched it when i was a little tyke....:confused:
  4. Lazy


    :( :( She broke my heart......................*sigh*
  5. Lazy

    search for a supermodel

    Yeah thats true Scott was a fuckin loser How can anybody get on national TV and make an absolute wanker out of themselves?? :confused:
  6. Lazy


    Stop whinging bull. legal isnt that bad, it can be really interesting actually. Like when we went down to longbay prison the day before the huge riot...................good times. :p
  7. Lazy

    graduation songs- HELP!!

    Yeah our song isnt much better. Can you believe we are actually playing "Graduation" by Vitamin C ................:o
  8. Lazy

    Old skool kids shows!!

    Come on people yous are all missing the REALLY great cartoon shows that we know and love. Hmmmm let me see... *Samurai pizza cats *The smurfs (the all time greatest) *Fat Albert (how could we forgot that lovable character is a mystery) *Marsupalani *Mighty mouse *The little mermaid *The...
  9. Lazy

    search for a supermodel

    James was a try hard wanker (no offence to those who like that trait in a man) :p
  10. Lazy

    favourite song at the moment.

    My favourite just cant beat Wiggum for a good laugh. "there are ghost cars all over this highway...."
  11. Lazy

    Is Pe fucked?

    Im aware that its a hard subject, thanks for clarifying that :rolleyes:
  12. Lazy

    Syd vs. NSW

    Me too :p
  13. Lazy

    Is Pe fucked?

    I dont know about the rest of you but it is my humble opinion that PDHPE has seriously gone down hill over the past few years. It used to be all about sport and physical activity, getting out in the sun and learning through experience. But now its all about the body, and the healthcare system...
  14. Lazy

    trust me!

    Dont worry boys, ill make you feel better :p I only got 51% in the exam and our class average was 41% Feeling better now........... :cool:
  15. Lazy

    pdhpe trials

    How in the name of the blue fuck did you manage 91%?!!! Our class average was 41% and i was struggling just to pass. The exam was an absolute bastard and i was ready to top myself 10 minutes into it. All i can say is thank christ for the multiple choice
  16. Lazy


    Shelter isnt so bad, you can actually use it out in the real world, unlike half the other shit we learn. :rolleyes: And by the way how come you bastards got to watch the castle?? I fuckin LOVE that movie.
  17. Lazy

    Jaiden Lesky and Leigh Leigh

    I dont know how helpfull this will be to you, but i stumbled across this link on one of my travels. Hope its helpfull
  18. Lazy

    It's a Crime..!!

    Crime is the easiest subject in the whole course. Its just common sense and a few case studies and a whole lot of revision. Family, now theres a ball breaker :(
  19. Lazy

    Absence Limit

  20. Lazy


    Ahhh lazychic a gal after my own heart. Any chance of me getting to know you better ;)