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  1. winicat


    I have to start this after the hols (for fine art) and i have nooo idea what it's all about lol does anyone know?? and don't tell me to check the uni site or whatever cause there's bugger all there!!!
  2. winicat

    Case Study: Body Decoration in the Oceanic Region

    Okay, this is the transcript thingy of this case study. The pictures aren't included because they were photo copies but if you use this case study for exams only (not as one you give to your teacher) I think (can't remember properly, to be honest) that I describe the images a bit anyways. I...
  3. winicat

    UNCLE forum is boring

    i'd just like to note that being here is really boring tonight. i'm guessing everyone but me and angelduckie are out dancing and drinking (like we should be). i maintain that fact we should have a mass party in the huxley library because we should ... with nachos and beer and no goon (cause i...
  4. winicat

    Garth Nix

    Okay, so, Old Kingdom was awesome and Keys to the Kingdom is fab. who else loves these books?? The Keys series *sigh* i'm so totally into it. i keep finding all of these little things in it (seven days/sins) i dunno, i just really like those books. like, more than old kingdom and i love them...
  5. winicat


    Okay, i realise this is for a uni assignment but who gives a stuff? lol So yeah, does anyone have any info on Arman at all? Specifically relating to his study of art history but hey, anything will do lol This assignment is due on Thursday so i guess I'll post it up over the weekend if...
  6. winicat

    Online Questionnaires

    The few that are up are a little bit un-resolved. Did you guys have the questions checked with your teacher before putting them up? Also, a comment box would be really good to add as everyone (generally) always has an opinion that isn't within the fields provided. So yeah, that's just my...
  7. winicat

    Bill Henson exhibition

    For those who are interested Bill Henson currently has an exhibiton at the AGNSW (8 Jan - 3 April) Check the website for more info AGNSW
  8. winicat

    Paint Program Sales

    I was just wondering if anyone knew the best / cheapest place to get Photoshop (I heard from my lecturer it's really expensive - is this even true??) or Paint Shop Pro. Harvey Norman has PSP9 for $270 so do people think this would be the best price around? Thanks, kiddies. Love and cupcakes...
  9. winicat


    are tutes on this week or not? i keep hearing conflicting theories. i'd like to think they're not cause then i could leave early on friday and stuff.
  10. winicat

    Room Locations

    Okay, I'm totally confused about where all of my rooms are cause, like, they don't tell me what buildings they are in and such. Will they tell us at orientaton or should I just ask you guys??? I mean, i can work out one, but i totally have more classes than that!!!
  11. winicat

    Fine Art

    Hey, I'm just trying to work out my timetable for fine art (first year) and i'm looking at the studio courses. Either I'm stupid or they are very npt explanatory cause I am finding some difficulties. Can someone tell me if we have to do both Printmaking/Drawing AND Painting/Drawing or just one...
  12. winicat

    AJ&IT -- aka artsy words translated

    A list of definitions (one or two not filled in) that I compiled with the help of a worksheet from class. Why let my hard work go to waste?
  13. winicat

    2004 PIPs

    heh heh, i got mine back today and re-read it all this afternoon. it's so funny. it's full of all of these comments about exams and schoolies and i remember thinking how far away they were at the time of handing it in and now? well, let's face it, exams are GONE and schoolies, here i come...
  14. winicat


    does anyone have definitions for: empowerment heritage social and cultural literacy thanks (cause i can't find them.. -- duh.)
  15. winicat

    social change stuff

    do we need to know stuff about social movements and pressure groups? we did a whole heap of study on this when we looked at social change but i haven't found any questions relating to it. although in our objective test on social change we had the question With reference to a social issue or...
  16. winicat

    Study for Exam

    What and how are people studying? This is my worst subject for studying and i haven't bothered with summaries. Does anyone suggest focusing on certain areas over others? I'm spending Sunday on my SaC and I want to spend it wisely instead of procrastinating (my speciality :D ) Also: Does...
  17. winicat

    Section II

    in our essays, what number of "things" (ie. artists, critics, historians, etc.) are people referring too, like, in depth? and then, if its an artist, how many of their works will you deal with? i'm thinking three artists (i have about 8 case studies to choose from) and then, depending on which...
  18. winicat

    Art Jargon and Important Terms

    hey all my class got given this sheet (same title as thread) and there are just a few terms i can't find "artsy" definitions for: curator (who are they and what is their role?) i should know this, we did a whole heap on it and met one grr.... signs symbols the elements of art/design...
  19. winicat

    discussion of conventions

    if we're not supposed to just list the conventions of the genre, how are we meant to discuss them? are we, like, meant to just slip them in places (eg. As with most tragedies, the hero in RT is usually a male. The character Medea challenges this convention.) OR do we state a convention and then...
  20. winicat

    Revenge tragedy website

    someone posted a website address in here ages ago to some RT site that had, like, everything on all the texts, genre, etc. in it. question: does anyone know what that website is?! i lost my bookmark to it and i just wanted to see what stuff it had that i didn't.