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  1. iJimmy

    Yr.10 Engineering Question

    Hey guys i have to list 5 ways to find out the height that a water rocket reaches. They must me mathematical based, not stuff like attach string i have written trigonometry and need 4 more :O
  2. iJimmy

    yr.10 engineering notes

    Hey BoS, does any1 have any yr 10 engineering notes in the area of renewable energy, water rockets, resources, nanotechnology and control systems, that they can share plz. :dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog::dog:
  3. iJimmy

    random question ranks

    hey people on BOS have ranks next to their name like i have junior member, how does this change and does any1 know how many posts is what etc.?
  4. iJimmy

    what are ranks

    hey BOS so im only year 10 and am kinda noob with all the HSC jargon thats been tossed around on this forum in the past few weeks, one things thats really annoying me is ranks. i get that a rank is your position amongst other classmates but i wanted to know what is the rank for, like what test...
  5. iJimmy

    urgent helpp!!!!!

    hey guys my brain just blew up and i forgot how to do this: factorise 25y - y^3
  6. iJimmy

    Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill

    Just a thought to all 2013 HSC goers to think about.
  7. iJimmy

    subject difficulty

    Hey guys i was just wondering in year 12 out of these subs: english adv mathematics mathematics ext 1 engineering (still thinking whether or not to do) physics business ipt which require the most time and effort to get 90+. Personally im averaging high 80s for all except my english...
  8. iJimmy

    duke of ed

    has anyone done duke of ed? does it help for scholarships, etc?
  9. iJimmy

    Year 10 advanced yearly help

    hey guys I have yr 10 yearly exams (5.2 & 5.3) on the following: - Simplify, expand & factorise algebraic expressions: fractions, negative & fractional indicies. Quadratic equations. - linear & simple quadratic equations, linear inequalities, simultaneous equations using graphical and...
  10. iJimmy

    does unsw look at your year 12 subjects or just your atar?

    hey i am wanting to do an engineering degree at UNSW but i am not the best at math in the world so for the presumed knowledges sake i am undertaking 3 unit. so if i find 3 unit brain explodingly difficult and drop it and carry on with 2 unit and get the required atar, will UNSW accept me with 2...
  11. iJimmy

    harry potter dh pt2

    so i was watching deathly hallows part 2 last night on 9 and just go a random thought as to why harry didn't just bring a gun from the muggle world and kill voldemort. lol stupid question ik but seriously, voldemort could of just died in philosophers stone if harry had ever thought of my idea :P
  12. iJimmy

    how to stay a tank and still get that 99.95
  13. iJimmy

    area of study

    so the current area of study is belonging, any idea on when it's changing and to what??
  14. iJimmy

    year 11 textbooks

    any suggestions on which textbooks to use for : maths 2u maths 3u physics engineering studies
  15. iJimmy

    marks distribution

    hey guys does anyone know a board of studies page or link that shows how many people got an atar of above 92 or like in between 90-95. You know what i mean
  16. iJimmy

    stupid subjects

    so apparently you can get an atar by studying 4 languages and 2 units of english, WTF
  17. iJimmy

    how much effort

    Hey guys, im in yr 10 atm and have chosen these subs for yr 11 : English adv, maths 2-3u, business studies, physics, IPT, engineering. I want to build a strong foundation for physics and 3unit in year 11 so that i am prepared and confident with further study throughout year 12. i am also wanting...
  18. iJimmy

    atar marking

    So I was talking with my English teacher who is an english advanced marker and she said that they have to mark hundreds of paper each usually in a day and that sometime some tend to get lost, so they give you a mark estimated on how you went in your assignments. I think its bs but could be...
  19. iJimmy

    Atar plz

    School rank 110ish English adv. 9/50 Math. 13/52 Math 3u. 16/38 Physics. 12/51 Ipt. 3/39 Business studies. 8/68