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    Step Up

    Cant Wait For This Movie To Come Out, Love Dance Movies!!!
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    Has anyone seen this? If so, can someone please explain to me what exactly it was about, seemed like all these things that were totally unrelated were intertwined, I am very confused after having seen it. Also, does Donanld Kaufman actually exist? or is he just fictional for the movie....
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    Yr 11 formal

    all u yr 11s!!!! fancy dress formal should be coming up for us all, wats everybody going as?
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    what plays does anyone recommend that are worth reading?
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    Eng Adv. Poetry of John Donne

    Has anyone else studied his poems? like "The Flea", "The Sun Rising" and "A Valediction Forbiddinig Mourning". I am currently studying those three poems under the Critical Study of Texts module, we're analysing feminist readings of the poems. I reeli need some notes that r related to that, my...
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    The Nanny Diaries

    Has anyone read dis? any good?
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    does anyone here read any fashion magazines? which ones would u recommend and which are just absolute trash wasting paper? i only ever read one - InStyle, only one i find that's 95% ads and photoshoots of random models, altho the fashion inside aren't exactly for people our age (17 to early...
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    hot male models

    I remember seeing a thread on hot female models in this forum, but don't remember seeing one on male ones. sooo......who are the hottest male models out there? male models tend to not get as much recognition as the female ones
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    History Extension

    Does anyone know whether history extension scales well? how is it compared to other extension courses?
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    The Devil Wears Prada

    Has anyone read the book? any good? I heard the film version's coming out soon.
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    hiphop dancing

    does anyone do it? if so, wat do u think is the key to becoming a good hiphop dancer?
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    Everybody Hates Chris

    hey does anyone know what happened to Everybody Hates Chris on channel ten? is it ever coming back or did they just cancel it for no reason like they did with one tree hill?
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    anyone find it hard to get over someone?

    hey pplz, i was wondering, has anyone ever found it REALLY REALLY difficult to get over a person they liked? rite now I find myself in this situation....and it's really frikkin annoying actually...i dun mean to be clingy, but i honestly dunno, i cant move on >.<, has anyone else experienced that?
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    wats your personal favourite fragrance? i'm reeli loving DKNY's be delicious rite now ^^
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    Classic Movies

    What are some of the old black and white classic movies you have watched? Any personal favourites? I recently watched A Streetcar Named Desire with Marlon Brando and Hitchcock's Birds.....anyone recommend any others?
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    I just bought this book called Atonement by Ian McEwan, it's currently being made into a film too. Has anyone read it?