Search results

  1. scoby_2000

    Between Ballina and Byron bay-

    hey ive been checking this stuff out speaking from past experiences could anyone recommend the best way to get from the airport to byron bay central!?!?!? ive been researching and its all preety the same but if anyone got an edge then.... thanks!
  2. scoby_2000

    Solutions To 2003 Cssa?!

    shit shit!!! anyone know where i can get them?
  3. scoby_2000

    Where do you buy DVDS?

    i work at blockbuster but i find myself buying copious amounts of dvds from jb! :D
  4. scoby_2000

    The Joker

    Of the names being bandied about, who do you think should play The Joker in the next Batman movie? (these are the names of the people being thrown around by the producers, directors, ETC...these are not a bunch of names i have pulled out of a hat - e.g. 1 of these WILL (most likely) end up...
  5. scoby_2000

    Latest Blockbusters

    ok dont know if anyone has noticed but over the last 1-2 months it has been a huge time for the movie business (not necessarily profitable but still big) so i was wondering out of the latest blockbuster movies which has been ure favourite? (ive only put the blockbuster films - films that...
  6. scoby_2000

    Syd Uni Lecture

    so who went today (and is going tomorrow) i thought it was soo good....though the lecturer seemed a bit weird....i learnt sooooooooooo much and the booklet is awesome anyone else?
  7. scoby_2000

    Zombie Films - 28 Days Later, DOD,SOD

    hey guys.....just watched 28 days later....anyone seen it....i watched it coz it had cillian murphey the guy from batman. i thought the fiolm was awesome...dun usually like zombie films....e.g. dawn of the dead....actually that was was shaun of the dead.... so who cant wait for Day...
  8. scoby_2000


    ok ummm i do ext german.,....i am not a native speaker...and i am in way over my head....but am only doing 11 units and i cant drop it so.......can anyone help me with notes for the 6 texts...e.g. hunne in abendland....spagetti fur zwei, business sooo fuccked....i cant...
  9. scoby_2000

    What Makes A Good Movie?

    well comon guys...recently its begun to bug me.... some of my friends like zoolander...i dont some of my friends like the real was humourous.... some of my friends like donnie favourite but wats wit it....take amityhorror for example.... how can some people...
  10. scoby_2000

    Last Movie...What you think?

    rather than having all these separate threads about movies i thought we could have this thread for like the last film you saw what you thought recommend it? out of ten? ill start.. i watched national treasure yesterday and i hav to was kinda cool....the trailor made it...
  11. scoby_2000

    Cheap Designers?

    Where do you guys buy cheap designer stuff? and yes i know that designer = superficial....but pfft...over that.... where you guys get ure nice stuff....paddys?
  12. scoby_2000

    Film You Have Seen The Most

    just interested coz i was talking about it with my friends and co-incedently we were all around the same....the main ones mentioned were Pirates Of The Carribean and Donnie Darko i reckon for me its those two and also Face/Off (god i love that can watch it over and over again) so...
  13. scoby_2000


    My teacher keeps hinting at it but i swear its not in the book.... Does anyone know the suburb that Cloud street is actually in. (inside perth?)
  14. scoby_2000

    U2 Tour?

    Hey i was just wondering if anyone here knew anything about U2 touring.... I've heard they are coming....are they? When?
  15. scoby_2000

    Age differences?

    So what you people reckon about age differences (or year differences) in school? Where must the line be drawn?