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  1. scoby_2000

    Last Movie...What you think?

    saw assault on precint 13 last night ethan hawk, lawrence fishburne, gabriel burn! (all in my opinion preety cool guys) so i enjoyed it heaps! cool action, however must say the end dragged on for a bit 7/10
  2. scoby_2000

    Film You Have Seen The Most

    i just dont get the whole deal with titanic...everyone seems to love it and those who do like it watch it 34897234 times!?!?!?! i just cant understand how it is the largest grossing film....its 600 mil ahead of lord of the rings : return of the king which is only like 1.2 bil....titanic made...
  3. scoby_2000

    Last Movie...What you think?

    i saw this film....thought it could of been better as well....liam nelson and laura linney i thought were a great team!!! just watched lost in translation this afternoon....i must say it was incredibly hyped for me because everyone told me about it and how good it was... i must say, it was...
  4. scoby_2000

    Who is going to see War of The Worlds

    omfg this film looks so cool.... i dont know which trailer u guys ahve seen but theres two one is shit and is just this flashing in the sky and like tim robbins in his pjs in his street the fkn sick one that i saw is with tom cruise and hes like rushing to get in a car with dakota...
  5. scoby_2000

    Last Movie...What you think?

    rather than having all these separate threads about movies i thought we could have this thread for like the last film you saw what you thought recommend it? out of ten? ill start.. i watched national treasure yesterday and i hav to was kinda cool....the trailor made it...
  6. scoby_2000

    Cheap Designers?

    DFO ey? thats out at homebush ey? wat about paddys?
  7. scoby_2000

    Star Wars Episode 3

    yea i actually really liked clones that whole thing with the factor and the fetts i thought was heaps cool
  8. scoby_2000

    Star Wars Episode 3

    i just god damn hope its not as bad as phantom menace....i liked attack of clones but jesus - phantom was shocking
  9. scoby_2000

    Cheap Designers?

    im talking about real designer....specifically sunglasses where can u get good dkny/police/oakley sunglasses like that for good prices coz everywhere i go its always different and there are NEVER the same pair twice... so just wondering where the cheapest place is?
  10. scoby_2000

    Cheap Designers?

    Where do you guys buy cheap designer stuff? and yes i know that designer = superficial....but pfft...over that.... where you guys get ure nice stuff....paddys?
  11. scoby_2000

    How is the class of 05 coping with the pressure of HSC

    omg do you go to redlands as well? i swear no one gives a shit at redlands... i find my problem is i just hav no motivation...i mean i wanna do heaps well at the hsc and stuff and i tell myself im gonna do work and i have signs all over the place telling me to do it....but i just...
  12. scoby_2000

    Most. F*cked-up. Ever.

    i watched old boy.... i thought it was fucked up as well seeing the teeth thing was preety terrible i thought the head imploding from irreversible was worse tho
  13. scoby_2000

    Cloudstreet 2005?

    what are you studying about Cloudstreet? Critical analysis? im quite happy to send anyone speechs i have written about cloudstreet, mainly dealing in values, reception, context and shiat like that.... my email is if you would like them they all got A's so yea :)
  14. scoby_2000

    Film You Have Seen The Most

    just interested coz i was talking about it with my friends and co-incedently we were all around the same....the main ones mentioned were Pirates Of The Carribean and Donnie Darko i reckon for me its those two and also Face/Off (god i love that can watch it over and over again) so...
  15. scoby_2000

    Star Wars Episode 3

    they must of been coz george lucas knew how shit was gonna be (obviously when watching new hope, esb and rotj) something ive never been able to find an answer why? why did george lucas do it all non-linear and shiat!
  16. scoby_2000

    Stress Management

    im always hearing about people getting heaps of assesments all due on the same day... ive never even had 1 take home assesment...cept 1 speech for english but that was easy maybe my school hasnt read the rule book? :S
  17. scoby_2000

    New Best Private School

    umm sorry we are SCECGS church of england co-educational grammar school
  18. scoby_2000

    school ranking i missing something? why does it matter where our school comes? isnt it just what UAI we get?
  19. scoby_2000

    Movies that you hate but everyone else likes

    shipping news - everyone seems to think it was so great....i love kevin spacey but i thought this film was shit..... the castle - omg i fukn hate this film - didnt find it funny at all....but everyone else seems to love it! wtf guys?!
  20. scoby_2000

    Star Wars Episode 3

    wtf..... but obi wan has always known hes hot for padme.... ?