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  1. scoby_2000

    Star Wars Episode 3

    i partially agree with that there is no point in seeing a movie if you know the story...but look at lotr! that has done so well and was soo kickass! even though i read the book...and yea it was a little different but still fkn excellent and essentially the same story... i think even tho we...
  2. scoby_2000

    Star Wars Episode 3

    omg i didnt know padme dies!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( shes so hot tho!!!! how she die?
  3. scoby_2000

    Star Wars Episode 3

    out of video and theatre..... which is what a film is.....
  4. scoby_2000

    Stress Management

    just look at the bottom of this page every day.... 202 days until hsc! but no more than 5 times a day otherwise i start feeling sick :( i exercise to keep straight minded and unstressed
  5. scoby_2000

    DONNIE DARKO -- Reviews and Discussion

    totally agree with you man...i watched the directors cut... was soo disappointed... what was with putting in the inxs was so gay...and the fact that donnie darko heard the his subconsious voice while he was!
  6. scoby_2000

    Star Wars Episode 3

    i dunno if any of you guys go to but to me its like a second religion and i pride myself knowing shit about the history of film and shit and as we know titanic is in 1st position for most money made for a film internationally....and lotr:rotk is 2nd....i reckon....i just have...
  7. scoby_2000

    Crappy Lanuage teachers

    my german teacher sucks.... firstly shes a swede...and no shes not hot secondly when she does come to class (which is rarely...due to her sickness) she always finds some reason for us not to do anywork (e.g changing classrooms, things not working...blah blah) i use to like it coz it...
  8. scoby_2000

    Star Wars 3 premiere

    you can also get the new trailer at did anyone watch rove live last night? they had a bit on that....but what was with hayden christensens hair!! ewwww~!!! im staying up wit a friend on may 18th to get tickets at chatswood....that should be fun.... well keep ourselves...
  9. scoby_2000


    omg man...chillax Derek Zoolander: Why do you hate models, Matilda? Matilda: Honestly? Hansel: Yes. Matilda: I think they're vain, stupid, and incredibly self-centered. Hansel: I totally agree with you. But how do you feel about male models? :D:D:D:D Derek Zoolander: Uhh Earth...
  10. scoby_2000

    DONNIE DARKO -- Reviews and Discussion

    Donnie darko is the coolest freaken film. I think the main reason it has been so successful is coz almost no one understands it! there are so many different interpretations its not funny....and thats y its so great to talk about it.. i think the movie actually shows the story from Donnie...
  11. scoby_2000

    Most Beautiful Women

    hope winona ryder isnt a bos member......
  12. scoby_2000

    Ab warten und Tee trinken

    Mann!!! Ich habe "Jetzt ist sommer" geladen! Es ist sooo geil!!!! was sind anderer geil Lieder?
  13. scoby_2000

    Ab warten und Tee trinken

    Ich glaube es so echt ist, wenn mann ein anderes sprache sprechen kann. Ich war in England, London geboren. Ich liebe London, weil es mein heim ist! Ich habe in Australien fur zwolf jahre gewohnt, aber ich vermisse London. Fur zwei monter habe ich in Berlin gebliebt, es war sehr echt, aber ich...
  14. scoby_2000

    Getting Started: Major Work Proposal

    Did anyone get a mark? at my school we were given our mark for the prop. back and i got top :) which was band 6 or something 19/20 or something yey.... they shud just wait my major work :S
  15. scoby_2000

    German Film Festival: 14-24 April in Sydney, 28 April-1 May in Canberra!!!

    Was konnt ihr empfehlen? Ich habe das website gesehen und ich mit mein bruder gehen will. Welche filme sind gut?
  16. scoby_2000

    Favourite Scene in a movie

    probs not gonna sound all great but ive seen heaps of films and worked with a few films and i just fucken love the use of the camera in Collateral when Tom Cruise enters the club and takes down the first guy....the camera like moves through the crowd straight past cruise then like turns...
  17. scoby_2000

    Hallooooo.... oooo... ooo

    Wie Geht's euch? Heute habe ich "Kleider Machen Leute" gesehen. Es war sehr scheisse! Aber es war in 1940 gemacht so..... Habt ihr es gesehen? Ich habe keine ahnung warum wir haben es gesehen. Ich habe es nicht verstanden weil es zu leise war. Mach mir keine Sorgen, es war noch lustig! Was...
  18. scoby_2000

    Laptops @ School

    ive been using a laptop at school 4 about 6 months now. i got it for my 4 unit eng. but also just to take down notes and heaps more stuff....sure i play games on it every now and then but i still reckon its for the better.
  19. scoby_2000


    i do extension german, we have already gone through 2 of the texts ive like it heaps my class consists of only 3 students one of whom is a fluent german speaker and the other one who speaks it at home. Im probably as bad as a pig at speaking english, but i still enjoy and get a thrill out of...
  20. scoby_2000

    Hallooooo.... oooo... ooo

    Ich habe mein "L's" fur vier monaten gehabt. In zwei monater kann ich mein "p's" haben. ICH KANN NICHT WARTEN! Am wochenende bin ich der Rowing-Championships bei Penrith gewesen. Es war sehr geil weil ich mit dem besten habe gerudert! Heute bin ich in der schule gegangen. Es ist sehr langweilig...